Fresh American Cherry transported by Air美国空运来的车厘子尝个鲜 ---车厘子与樱桃的区别

With a few colleagues to fight alone, bought a few boxes of US air to the cherry. Quickly after the arrival of a taste, a big, fresh, juice enough, sweet, buy right.

Interestingly, some of our colleagues to buy this thing in the end called Cherry Cherry Cherry had a dispute, and I grew up to have never thought about this issue. Cherry has always thought that Cherry is a transliteration, with the cherry is a stuff, did not expect the two to the North at the same time have to say this can only be called the Cherry, cherry can not be called. They are the real estate of cherry, also found a picture to me. I then understand that the domestic Cherry Cherry with foreign countries is the same, big head, dark red color or even black, and small cherry, also known as Chinese cherry, head is relatively small, thin and juicy, usually light red . The north, such as Shanxi, Shandong has a species. Of course, the two are very close, in fact, is the same plant, but different varieties only.

Later, carefully recalled a bit, did eat the kind of small head, pink or red and yellow cherry, thin and more juice, taste more sweet and sour. From the price point of view, delicious Chinese cherry is actually more expensive. May be small, high yield reasons. Foreign fruits are generally standardized cultivation, heads are large, almost the same quality, so the consistency of the higher.



后来仔细回忆了一下,确实也吃过那种个头小小的,粉红或者红黄色的小樱桃,皮薄汁多,味道比较甜酸。从价格上看,好吃的中国小樱桃其实更贵。可能因为个头小,产量高的原因吧。 国外的水果一般都标准化种植,个头都很大,品质也差不多,所以一致性较高。


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