负重前行,七分钟的震撼/Cargo /A Short Film

在“四弟摸姨太”这段时间,给大家介绍了很多我喜欢的电影。有人说,电影是别人的人生,但,也可以照映出自己。这次给大家同样介绍一个“不一样的电影”,因为它实在是太短 ,短到只有7分钟。一部画面稍显冷酷血腥的短片,却是一剂催泪良药。





 CARGO 的意思是负重,而中文翻译为负重前行。一个丧尸背着自己的儿子,用仅有的人性带着儿子到安全的区域。这个题目起的真的很好。短短的7分钟,不比150分钟差。很多时候,我们都会觉得短不好,事实上只要用心,短和优秀是可以共存的(看来我真的中毒了,又说道steemit了)。

短片最后,变成丧尸的父亲被幸存者打死了,而发现的小宝贝,肚子上写着父亲留给他唯一的礼物:“ My name is Rosie

About cargo a  father zombie short film (this content from wiki)

After a car crash knocks him unconscious, a man wakes up to find that his wife has died and turned into a zombie. He leaves the car, grabs his young daughter from the rear, and realizes that his wife bit him while he was unconscious. After an emotional goodbye to his wife, he sets off to find survivors.Knowing that he does not have much time left before he turns into a zombie, he puts his daughter in a baby sling, binds his hands to a pole, and attaches carrion to the end of the pole. 
After he collapses, he rises again as a zombie, and, drawn by the lure of the carrion on the pole, continues his journey. Drawn by a balloon that he attached to himself, a sniper shoots down the man, and several survivors approach on foot. Two male survivors beckon their companion to join them in digging a grave for the man, but the female survivor investigates further, eventually finding the baby


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