I accidentally put the MEMO as the BTC wallet address this morning, when I wanted to exchange 100 SBD to the bit-coins.
The MEMO is very important, which determines which BTC wallet to credit to. So you have to make sure it is 100% correct. It was my mistake, and I wouldn't complain if I cannot get 100 SBD back. However, I took a slim hope to contact @blocktrades and they are so kind to refund me 100 SBD!
Thank you @blocktrades for saving me the day.
今天早上第一件事情就是起来打开 Steem 钱包通过 官方内置的 @blocktrades 转出存了好久的 100 SBD. 当时其实没睡太醒,迷迷糊糊的。把转出帐号的MEMO填成了比特币钱包。所以等了半天,BTC钱包并没有显示到帐。
当时很是郁闷啊,毕竟是好几天通过写STEEM的报酬。虽然没什么抱着希望,还是联系了block trades, 通过邮件,STEEM留言,和STEEM转钱0.001SBD附加消息。
在今天下午大概2点多的时候收到了@blocktrades的邮件:I’ve refunded your SBD.失而复得,当然如果不退,我也是能理解,毕竟这是自己犯下的错误,怪不得别人。
所以在此,我得提醒所有的 Steemians, 为了避免不必要的麻烦和心塞,在转钱的时候一定要按照要求正确的填写MEMO,避免金额丢失。
如果一不小心转错了,不妨试着像我一样联系客服,可以发邮件,在文章下面留言,或者是转0.001SBD附言很客气的联系 @blocktrades
Thank you @blocktrades !
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