Just throw away the things you don't need 断舍离

My sister told me to throw away the stuffs that I don't need or I don't even use. She is right. My room is full of the rubbish that I don't use at least in the short term. I've got many extra USB charging cables for my previous old phones, I 've also got some old mouse or computer keyboards. They have occupied the drawers for a very long time and I don't even remember when last time I took them out.

Thus, I have driven a car of rubbish to the nearest Recycling Center.  If I ever need it again, I can always order them online. The de-cluttering makes my room much more tidy and I somehow feel more comfortable and less burden. 

If you don't need it, just put them on EBAY or just take it to the Recycling center, rather than leave it occupying your life.

家里有一堆平常用不上的, 一直没舍得扔, 所以房间越来越小, 总感觉装满了垃圾. 我姐说, 一件东西如果一个月没有用上 那么就可以扔了或者EBAY卖了.  

if (东西当下有用) {
} else if (东西一个月内有用) {
} else if (东西可以卖个好价钱 && 卖所需要的精力 < 回报) {
} else {

 不得不说, 今天拉了一车平时用不上的”垃圾” 到最近的回收站, 路上还是有点纠结和心疼的. 毕竟有很多不常用到的 转换头和 各种USB充电线, 还有平时用不太上的USB风扇, 什么MP3之类的. 我姐说, 全扔了. 扔了屋里干净, 心情好, 孩子也心情好可以坐在地上玩. 

 收拾了三大箱孩子的玩具, 有些不怎么玩, 也扔了. 本来是要去花钱买储藏间, 但是朋友却说我有病, 没多少钱的东西却要花钱供着, 况且很多第一年都有折扣, 第二年就会涨价, 那么花了300多英镑供了一年后你还会再花个400英镑去供那些玩具? 

 朋友说的很有道理, 所以果断的扔. 我姐说, 平时周末少出去玩一趟省下来的钱足够买那些USB充电线之类的电子产品, 况且AMAZON如此的方便, 第二天就能送到, 所以用不上的, 扔! 

// the room full of unnecessary stuffs. 杂乱的书房。

Originally Published in Steemit. Thank you for reading my post, feel free to FOLLOW and Upvote @justyy which motivates me to create more quality posts.  

原创首发 SteemIt, 非常感谢阅读, 欢迎FOLLOW和Upvote @justyy 能激励我创作更多更好的内容。 

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