Daily Food Photography #2- 串串香

作为一个吃货, 每到周六周日,就喜欢出去找好吃的东西。这次我来到了 @hannahwu 介绍的苏州学士街的宽窄巷子吃串串。拿起托盘,毫不犹豫伸向了肉类,勉强挑了几串蔬菜,然后静静地等待了。

As a foodie, I would like to go out to find delicious food on Saturdays and Sundays. For this time, I went to Kuan&Zhai Alley, which is a diner name, but is also a historical name card of Chengdu. Hotspicy is famous in there. As a foodie, I love eat meat, so I chose lots of meat, a little vegetables.

串串香起源于四川, 是四川地区的特色小吃之一, 也是最大众化的草根美食, 其实也是火锅的另类形式。

Hotspicy originates from Sichuang, which is one of the special snack in Sichuang, which is also the most popular food in China. In fact, it also can be called hot pot.

This is for Daily Food Photography started by @howtostartablog


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