Introduce myself

   在 @hannahwu 的介绍下知道了steemit, 眨眼间也快一个多月了, 期间也没有写下几篇文章。起初, 是担心的自己的文笔不好, 被人笑话。 但是后来看到 @tumutanzi 的一些文章, 我深受启发, 只要写好自己的, 写的开心, 写出自己独特的看法, 就不必在乎别人的看法, 当然别人好的建议也是要虚心接受的。  

  I know more about steemit on the recommendation of @hannahwu. I have logged in steemit almost one month, during this period, I just written a little article. At first, I worry that I'm not good with words, and other people who write well will laugh at me. But after I saw some articles from @tumutanzi, I was deeply inspired. Only I like write and like write something I like. I will the best one.   
 I grow up happily with the love of mom and dad, they arrange everything for me. And the most outrageous thing I do was traveling to Malaysia with one of my friends. Fortunately, we come back with many fond memories.  

  从小到大, 都是在爸爸妈妈的安排和指导下按部就班的学习, 没有干出什么惊天动地的大事, 但是也我快快乐乐的长大了。做的最出格的事情就是来了一场说走就走的马来西亚游。 上班休息时间, 和朋友 @icedream 谈到出去玩, 不知怎么的就想起去马来西亚玩几天。 于是我们飞快的办理的签证, 买了飞机票, 到了马来西亚。 现在想想, 特别佩服自己的胆大, 两个女生的国外游,惊险而又刺激。  

  In life, I love food, love playing, love laugh. Everytime, my friends invite me for dinner and go shopping, I always accept with pleasure if I don’t have some important thing to do. Sometimes, we will have some trouble, have I will be happy at once with some delicious food.  

  在生活中, 我是有个爱笑爱玩爱吃的女生, 当然还有一丢丢的宅。每次朋友邀请一起吃饭逛街, 只要没有特别的事情, 我都是欣然接受的, 每次都能吃得好, 玩的好。也许工作中有许多烦心的事情, 只要一想到晚上有好吃的, 那么一点点不愉快瞬间烟消云散。 在办公室, 因为我的心直口快, 也闹出好多笑话, 而我可爱的同事们也因为我说的一些话而哈哈大笑。我并不介意成为一枚开心果。  

  On Sunday, I prefer to stay at home. I love read novels. The novel I like best is the little prince, my favorite word is “My flower is ephemeral, and she has only four thorns to defend herself against the world. And I have left on my planet, all alone!” I have read this novel several time with different perception.  

  说起宅是因为每周日, 我都不喜欢出门, 喜欢在家看看小说, 研究研究美食。 我最喜欢的一本小说是《小王子》, 最喜欢里面的一句话是“我的花生命是短暂的,她只有四根刺可以保护自己,抵御世界,我却将她独自留在我的星球上了” 。这本小说我看过好几遍, 每次都有不同的感悟。 


  在大学毕业之前, 也是家里的小公主, 衣来张手, 饭来张口。 但是毕业之后, 一个人在外,自己只能学着做饭。 从开始的半生不熟, 到现在的有滋有味, 离不开百度的帮忙。 而我也爱上做美食的过程。 美食让我的生活更加丰富多彩。    

感谢您支持 @karasui,我会分享更多!

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