How to get the private key of your Bitcoin address on 如何在Blockchain.info上獲取你比特幣地址的私鑰?

You should have heard of the hard fork of Bitcoin on 1/8, which would split BTC to form a new currency called BCC. In order to be sure to acquire the newly split BCC from your original holdings of BTC, the safest way is to withdraw your BTC to a wallet and get its private key. Though storing your coins in wallets instead of exchanges should be safe enough, yet it may be a good idea to obtain the private key so as to have complete control over your own coins.


One of the most commonly used online wallet is We would discuss how to obtain the private key of your bitcoin address.


Step 1 第一步

After logging in to, the first step is to click 'Settings' --> 'Addresses' and check the section 'Imported Addresses'. If you have an address there, you are the lucky ones as you can click on 'More options' --> 'Private key', then you are done! If not, you will have to import a new address manually.

登入Blockchain.info之後,第一步是點選 "Settings" --> "Addresses"。看看你 "Imported Addresses" 那部分,如果你有看到比特幣地址,那麼恭喜你,你只要點選 "More options" --> "Private key" 便大功告成了!否則你便需要手動加入新的比特幣地址了。

Step 2 第二步

If you do not have an imported address, go to the website to create one. Move your cursor around to create some randomness till the meter reaches 100%. (I think it is quite fun actually lol)


Step 3 第三步

Next, you would obtain a pair of bitcoin address and private key. Keep your private key safe by writing it down or printing this page out. Remember not to show your private key to anyone! (This is for demonstration purpose only and I am not actually using this address, so I displayed the private key here) If you are worried that your private key may be stolen by malicious softwares, you may consider stopping your Internet connection after the page has been loaded, and resume Internet connection only after you have copied down the private key.


Step 4 第四步

Now you can go back to the 'Imported Addresses' section on import a new address by entering the private key.

現在可以回到 的 "Imported Addresses" 部分,加入剛剛得到的私鑰。

Step 5 第五步

After successfully adding the private key, you should see a new address on the main page. You can now transfer your BTC by the 'Send' function from your default address to this newly created address, of which you have its private key!

現在你應該可以看到主頁多出了一個地址。你可以用 "Send" 的功能去將比特幣由預設的地址傳送到一個你持有其私鑰的地址了!

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