CLANNAD is quite hot for many cosplayers. Today I am going to show you my photography I took for my friends cosplay show of CLANNAD. I would say it's a quite successful activity thanks to her fortissimo expression,make my work a lot easier to get her into part of character she want to represent.
I know there are a lot of manga fans on the plantform,you may or may not see cosplay at the first time,it doens't matter now. I am a huge fan of all the fancy story and I am gonna take you through my lens to the first sight and feel the moment where players and characters merge together into a final piece.I call this moment as the fusion of art and reality. That's what you could find throught my entire phography for cosplay activities.
I will update my cosplay photography of CLANNAD in the next following days,stay tuned. I am happy to hear from each of you who interested in cosplay.
CLANNAD一直是广大cosplay爱好者的不二之选。今天我给大家带来的是和朋友外出拍摄的cosplay 活动,主题是clannad这部动画。我认为这次活动的成果还不错,这要大大的归功于主演极强的艺术渲染力,每次快门前主演极高的契合度和原作人物的情感融合也让我的摄影过程轻松了不少。