[BCC重要新闻分享]因兴趣使然而挖Bitcoin Cash而成为Bitcoin Cash 短时间急跌的原因? Two-thirds of the miners stop mining Bitcoin Cash caused Bitcoin Cash' price drop?

[BCC重要新闻分享]因兴趣使然而挖Bitcoin Cash而成为Bitcoin Cash 短时间急跌的原因?

Two-thirds of the miners stop mining Bitcoin Cash caused Bitcoin Cash' price drop?



(HKT+8) 昨日BCC (Bitcoin Cash/BCH) 曾经大跌了一番。在Bittrex,由高位的1314 USD 跌到了 713 USD。有趣的是,在跌的前后,bitcoin.com 发了一篇文章,指出了有2/3 Bitcoin Cash 矿工停止了挖Bitcoin Cash。不知这是否因这件事影到到各位投资者投资BCC的意欲呢。

(HKT+8) Yesterday, the price of BCC (Bitcoin Cash/BCH) had dropped. We can see in Bittrex, it drop from 1314 USD to 713 USD. It is funny that, the drop is very near the time of bitcoin .com released their post about BCC. This post told people that 2/3 miner had stop mining BCC now. It may the reason why the price of BCC drop!

文章可参看这里 / You may read the post here:

这篇文章中指出,BCC的主要矿池只有两个,Viabtc和MC Pool,Viabtc占1/3、MC Pool约占2/3。 MC Pool 这个资讯区块中,记者发现了“Genesis Block 269-273 Hennessy Road Wan Chai Hong Kong.” 这段讯息。明查暗访下发现原来 "MC pool"的所有者是因为有趣和想宣传他们的交易中心而挖Bitcoin Cash。 Genesis Block 269-273 Hennessy Road Wan Chai Hong Kong 正是他们交易中心的地址。

In this post, it said that there are only two big mining pools for BCC, Viabtc and MC Pool. 1/3 Viabtc and 2/3 MC Poo. For MC Pool, the very last BCH block mined has a Coinbase that says, “Genesis Block 269-273 Hennessy Road Wan Chai Hong Kong". And Bitcoin.com found that it is a address of a new trading center. The people in there just want to mine BCC as they think it is fun and for advertising.

后来很快他们已经达到宣传效果,而挖Bitcoin Cash难度太高,维持不到成本,所以他们很快已经放弃了。他们也相信在香港已经没有人会挖Bitcoin Cash了。

As they are now become well-known, and the difficulty of mining Bitcoin Cash is high which cannot cover the cost. They stop and turn back to BTC already. They believed that no Hong Kong miner will mine BCC again.


After this post is released, BCC's price drops very fast! Now, BCC is supported by miner in mainland China only. What is the future of BCC? It is a big question. But please remind that China is very strong and China miners representing over 80% of bitcoin network hash rate. If all China miners support BCC, its future will be become very bright!


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