A message to female non football fans and why you should love football 給不愛看足球的女性 和為甚麼你應該愛足球 (PPW1)

Yesterday, was the World Cup 2018 group draw ceremony. England is in the same group as Belgium, Panama and Tunisia. On the face of this, with two comparatively weaker teams, England should have no problem (?) getting into the next round as the runner up of the group.

昨天是2018年世界杯足球賽分組賽抽簽,英格蘭抽到與比利時,巴拿馬和突尼西亞同組。從表面上看,同隊有兩隊較弱的球隊,英格蘭以次名進級16強應該 (?) 是沒問題。

I don’t really watch football, but with my husband being a big football fan it's hard to avoid it at home.
我不太愛足球,但家裡有一個標準球迷,所以我是很難避免不看足球。而平時在 Steemit上玩的猜足球遊戲也是親子親公活動之一。

For me, watching England play in an international tournament is like buying a lottery ticket. When you buy a lottery ticket, you don’t expect to win the jackpot, yet you still have this shimmer of hope as you check the numbers. Deep down, no rational fan expects England to win an international cup, but each time you watch them play, you hope maybe they can win just this one more game to get to the next round.

Sadly, with England's past record, they are becoming a bit of a joke.

問 : 英國國家足球對跟茶包有甚麼分別?
答 : 茶包會比英國國家隊留在杯 (賽)裡更長久!
english team joke.jpg
Source : Pinterest

As a female non football fan, my view on the English national team is pretty simple:

  • treat them like your kids, hope for the best but prepare for the worse
  • treat them like your family, sometimes (or most of the the time if you’re unlucky) they’re really annoying but there’s not a lot you can do about it
  • treat them like your friends, you don’t see them all the time, so just have fun when you do
  • and finally, treat them like your husband/boyfriend, don’t expect surprises, you’ll only be disappointed

I love my family, love my friends and love my husband, so I guess I love the English national football team.


  • 把他們當作你的孩子,對他們抱著期望,但亦要作最壞打算
  • 把他們當作你的家人,有時(不幸運的話是大部分時間)他們會很討厭,但你又不能做些什麼
  • 把他們當作你的朋友,大家不是常常見面,那見面時還是開心點比較好
  • 最後,把他們當作你的老公/男朋友,不要期待他們會給你驚喜,因為你只會得到失望



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