神祕山中行 A mystery walk

In today's walk I will take you to a beautiful route which is famous for the mysterious disappearance of a well known crime fiction writer.

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All crime fiction fans will have heard of Agatha Christie who was the best selling novelist of her time. Her famous detectives include Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple, whilst The Mousetrap is still the world's longest running play.

我相信所有偵探小說迷都認識阿加莎·克里斯蒂Agatha Christie。她筆下的著名偵探包括波洛Hercule Poirot和 瑪波小姐Miss Marple,而捕鼠器 The Mousetrap目前是世界上公演時間最長的話劇。
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In 1926 Christie mysteriously disappeared from home after her husband asked for a divorce. She left a note saying she had gone to Yorkshire (north east England) for holiday but her car was found abandoned at Newlands Corner not far from her home on the outskirts of London. News of Christie’s disappearance quickly spread to as far as New York and there was a massive manhunt which included thousands of police officers and volunteers. Christie was found 11 days later near Yorkshire where she claimed she woke up from a dream as a different person and found herself in Yorkshire.

1926年克里斯蒂在丈夫提出離婚後突然從家裡失中。她留低一張紙條,說要到英國東北部約克郡度假。她的車不久在Newlands Corner被發現,但車內只有一些衣物,而她卻不知所蹤,這地點並不在約克郡而離她倫敦郊區家不遠。克里斯蒂失踪的消息很快傳遍全國,遠至美國紐約也有報導,而當時大規模搜捕行動甚至包括過萬名警察和志願者。克里斯蒂在11天後在約克郡附近被發現,她聲稱她從夢中醒來變了另一個人,並不知為什麼自己身在約克郡。
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Some claimed she tried to frame her husband for her murder whilst others suggested it was a publicity stunt for her new book. To date the real reason for her disappearance still remains a mystery. In 2012 we went for a walk at Newlands Corner which is about half an hour drive away from home. Newlands Corner is a popular beauty spot with lots woodland walks and offers great views of the nearby Surrey Hills.

有些人說,她企圖誣陷她的丈夫想謀殺她,也有人說這是她新書的宣傳噱頭。克里斯蒂之後絕少提及這件事,所以到目前為止她失蹤的真正原因仍然是個謎。這神祕失蹤事件的案發地點Newlands Corner離我們英國家大約半小時車程, 2012年我們到那裡遠足。那地區有很多清脆樹林散步徑,是一個很受歡迎的風景區,並可遙望附近 Surrey Hills 的美景。
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During the walk, we passed through St Martha’s Church which first existed in the 12th century and still offers weekly services. The Church is located 175m on a hilltop with no road access. I figured it would take at least 15 minutes to walk uphill from the nearest car park so hats off to those who make the weekly pilgrimage.

途中我們經過12世紀已存在的St Martha’s Church。教堂坐落在175米的山頂上,因車輛不能直達,從停車場步行上山至少需要15分鐘,教徒每週上教堂真辛苦噢。
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Next was Silent Pool. Legend has it that a local girl drowned in the pool as she tried to avoid King John’s advances. When her brother heard her screams he ran to the scene, jumped into the pool to save her but sadly drowned as well. Whether it's true or not, when I stood by the pool, I did have this eerie feeling!

跟著我們到Silent Pool。傳說有一個當地女子在池邊乘涼時,遇到約翰王欺凌逃避到泳中結果溺水身亡。更有傳說她哥哥聽到她的尖叫聲跑到現場,跳進池裡搶救,結果自己也不幸溺水身亡。無論是真是假,當時我聽到池傍的樹吹出的風聲,真的好像有點毛骨悚然的感覺!
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Not far away from Silent Pool, is the Albury Organic Vineyard. It’s been 5 years since we walked past, I wonder if the grapes we saw have now become wine ?

從Silent Pool走不遠處是Albury Organic Vineyard。不知5年前見到的葡萄現在是否已經變成香醇美酒呢?
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