Crunchy buttered toast fingers 美味奶油酥條

This is my latest discovery of a great snack. It doesn't have an English name so I'm going to call it buttered toast fingers. They are one of the most popular souvenir snacks from Hualien in Taiwan and was recommended by the B&B owner during my recent trip.

They have been around for a few years already but I'm not a big snack fan so they haven't popped on my radar till now. Let my show you exactly what they look like.

They are slices of bread, cut into fingers, and there are about six slices per box.

麵包條是先沾上奶油,然後撒上沙糖,最後用大概150度低溫烤 30分鐘到金黃色脆脆就完成。平常我食麵包是蠻挑剔,麵包邊皮一定不吃。但這個連麵包邊皮也非常香脆,甜甜的,簡直是吃到停不了口!!
The fingers are coated with melted butter, then sugar is sprinkled on top, and then they are baked in a low heat oven, at about 150 degrees for 30 minutes till they are crunchy. Usually I'm very fussy with my bread and toast and always cut off the crust. Here, even the crust is very crunchy, and because it has a touch of sweetness, it is very addictive! P_20171226_214711.jpg

They are great for dunking into a cup of coffee for elevenses! Unhealthy I hear you say? That's what new year resolutions are for, and new year isn't here yet!!

By the way, in case you are not aware, or have forgotten, I am running a Photo trick contest which closes on Friday. All you have to do is to take a photo using one or both of the little tricks I've showed you in my original post here and post it as a comment.
The little tricks are called the See Through Mobile Phone and Double Me (Or You). Here's what the See Through Mobile Phone photo looks like.

Do take a look at my post and I hope to see your entry. There's a prize if you win and there will be 5 winners in total!!!!

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