Delicious foods in hometown/嘉州美食#1——苏稽米花糖,香甜了谁的回忆?&有奖竞猜获奖结果

Hi,My steemit friends:
Wish you a nice day!
Today I want to introduce the delicious foods in my hometown. As there are so many delicacies, it is divided into several parts. Now I'd like to introduce you the first traditional snack called "crunchy rice candy".


Maybe there are many kinds of crunchy rice candy . All of them ,the most famous are from Jiangjin and Suji. Both of them has its own taste . But in my mind , the crunchy rice candy in Suji is not only delicious , but also the nice memory.

        米花糖或许很多地方都有,味道也各有千秋。 百度搜索“米花糖”,会告诉你重庆江津和乐山苏稽米花糖最为有名。我也曾品尝过江津米花糖,两者没有孰强孰弱,但是,在我心中,苏稽米花糖不仅是美味,更是香甜的回忆。

"Buy Suji crunchy rice candy, peanut candy, peach cake, green bean cake, Cecil cake, oil fruit, sugar melon......" this cries, believe that the local people are familiar with. After the voice ,you would see the selling man, riding a bicycle and basket filled with all kinds of beautiful cakes, followed by a group of young peoples. Now, occasionally in the park we can hear this familiar voice.


The main raw materials of Suji crunchy rice candy are rice, peanut, sesame and sugar. After frying and cooling, the crunchy rice candy tastes crisp and delicious, sweet but not greasy. I also often use this specialty as a gift for my friends.


In my hometown , the most famous shop is called "Zhang giwu" ,who has opened several stores.The shops are also very easy to get, except that the first shop is in an alley. However, I was not frequent visitor to this shop. I often buy the crunchy rice candy in another shop called "Zhang Shilun" (~ perhaps many years ago, they are relatives~) . Because their crunchy rice candy taste sufficiently authentic, and the price is reasonable.


Luckily, when I come to buy the gifts, they are making the crunchy rice candy. Then I took several photos.The photos above are the prepared materials.



They are frying./正在翻炒中。

Cooking with the sesame and peanuts./炒好的糖放在案板上,和上处理好的芝麻和花生,等待冷却。最后香甜的米花糖就做好啦😊


我儿子的体重是D 11.5公斤。

第一名: @mrspointm 3SBD
第二名: @calabash 2SBD
第三名: @wanderwithtwo 1SBD



Scenery of hometown/风景,近在咫尺|谷哥点名#6 

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