There is always someone keeping working out (part 10)(Original) /总有一个比你忙,比你穷,比你老的人在健身(十)

Hey, friends. As abdominal muscle training is completed, I want to know whether you have insisted on fitness. If you start to slacken or feel tired, then please reduce the amount of training. Instead, try to find your own pace and take a good rest.So today I want to explain the detailed ways of training our biceps, which many people expect to know most.
Biceps, as the name suggests, are divided into the lateral head (long head) and medial head (short head). If we want to make the muscles full and nice, try to practice by using the right method. In fact, it is convenient to train biceps. Only if you have a pair of dumbbells, can you exercise well. The following are the possible steps for practice.
肱二头肌,顾名思义,有两头,分为外侧头(长头)和内侧头(短头)。所以我们为了练出来饱满好看,尽量都要练到位。其实肱二头肌也是十分方便练习的,只需要一副哑铃,就能很好地锻炼到它。 以下是具体的练习顺序,(顺序也是我自己的练习顺序)。

Seated dumbbell curl 坐姿哑铃弯举

This action is one of the most commonly used actions.
Action Tips: Keep your upper body still. The target arm leans against the inner thighs and can be fully extended, when falling. When curling your wasit, form 45-degree angles between the upper arm and fore arm.
ATTENTION: Avoid offsetting your upper body. I take this as my first action for practise. The weight of dumbbells vary from light to heavy. Complete 4-6 groups and each group is for 12 times. In the last two groups you can keep increasing the weight until you are exhausted. Take a rest for half a minute between groups.

Standing dumbbell curl (using your hands alternately) 站姿哑铃双手交替弯举

The action can be a good exercise for the inside of the biceps. Clamp the elbows to stimulate biceps.
Action Tips: stand upright, stand with your feet a bit apart (the distance is as wide as the the length of shoulders) and make your palm inward. When curling, form 45-degree angles between the upper arm and fore arm.
ATTENTION:Do not shake the body and do not pull the dumbbell by the force of shoulder. The weight of dumbbells vary from light to heavy. Keep increasing the weight of the dumbbells in the last two groups until you are worn out. half a minute rest between sets exhausted.Take a rest for half a minute between groups.

More details for training biceps will be given in the tomorrow’s post.

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(to be continued 未完待续)

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