There is always someone keeping working out (part 8)(Original) /总有一个比你忙,比你穷,比你老的人在健身(八)

Yesterday,I introduced some exercise for abdomen. Now,I will continue to bring you other abdominal muscle training.昨天给大家介绍了部分练腹肌的动作,今天将继续给大家带来余下的腹肌训练。

Russian swivel is a very classic action. To complete this action, don't let your feet touch the ground. Make sure that your upper body and the ground form 45-degree-angled sides. When swiveling, your hands need to touch the yoga mat. It is quality that matters. Do not do that so fast, otherwise, it may injure the waist. When you have totally master it, you can complete this action with dumbbell or barbell plate in your hands. Complete two groups and each group is for 20 times. (Most of the muscles in the abdomen)

If you are good at balancing your body, you can complete this action more easily. You are expected to slow down as possible as you can, otherwise, you will shake from side to side.Make crunches and swivel. Don't let your legs touch the ground and focus on the abdominal muscles. ATTENTION: never use the waist back force even when you are tired. Complete a group and each group is for 12 times. (Upper abdomen, abdominal oblique)

Hang and make straight legs in the air, which needs your endurance and strength to finish. First of all, you need to use the upper body to support the weight of the whole body. Your legs can bend slightly. When lifting legs, try to ensure the location between legs and your upper body is possible vertical. Also, do not use the waist force. Complete two groups and each group is for 12 times. (Lower abdomen)

I like this action as the last step to relax, which can be used to stretch abdominal muscles. (Can not be ignored the steps: stretch)

Training volume and some detailed attention for abdominal muscles will be given in the tomorrow’s post.
There is always someone keeping working out (part 7)(Original) /总有一个比你忙,比你穷,比你老的人在健身(七)

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(to be continued 未完待续)

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