For do steemit marketing, I began to write code / 为了steemit的市场销售,开始写代码了

Have rested for a long time did not write the code,See steemit been falling, not in the mood to do optimization, although yesterday rose 30%, but the increase has not active users

已经休息了很长一段时间没有写代码了,本来早应该很动了,看到steemit一直在下跌,没有心情去做优化,虽然昨天上涨了30%, 但活跃用户始终没有增加


I have some of ideas to help steemit marketing, bring more users, every day I take a moment to help CN of doing optimization, to synchronize their articles to social networks, so that more people know Steemit, I had also I wrote an article, an original photography how to sell $ 10,000, some of you may not believe

我有很多想法帮助steemit做市场,带来更多的用户,每天我花点时间,帮助CN区的作者在做优化,把他们的文章同步到社交网络,让更多的人知道Steemit, 我以前也写过一篇文章,一张原创的摄影如何卖出1万美元, 你们有人可能不会相信,

Today I start a website, the main functions of this site to help steemit marketing, increase revenue and help authors, synchronous I picked articles to this site, optimized author of the article, when you publish a good article steemit, I'll be the first within a time distribution to 200+ social networks and 200+ websites related to the design, all this must be programmed

So again today to start writing code.

今天我要开始一个网站,这个网站的主要功能帮助steemit引入流量,以及帮助作者提高收入,同步我挑选的文章到这个网站,优化作者的文章,当你在steemit发布好的文章,我会在第一时间内分发到社交网络以及200+设计相关的网站, 这一切必须程序化,

The best method to do the market, the company is steemit spend real money to advertise (not on the high-speed billboards), if necessary, I can do to help Steemit market


My Artice List for do steemit marketing:

Optimize your artice to social network , Help bring more new users to steemit

My Steemit SEO Promotion Marketing - Social network (20-50 million new users Traffic Plan) / Steemit

My Steemit Marketing Plan I

My Steemit Marketing Plan Part 2

Write blog, A Chinese Girl Sweetsssj Earn $ 6000 a month / 写blog,一个月赚$6,000的中国姑娘

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