Today I most wanted to do (Part I)

Last night tired, Sitting on the couch and fell asleep, From midnight gale,the temperature drop a lot, Sit still, I want to go for a walk today,Think of things to do today, with the little guys doing? Actually I want to stir up a hornets' nest, where to find them then,Afternoon I will return to the countryside, I want to demonstrate how to stir up a hornets' nest at home
昨晚很困,坐在沙发睡着了,半夜起大风,气温降了许多,坐不住,又要出去走走了,想想今天要干什么事,带小家伙们干什么呢? 竟然是想捅马蜂窝, 去哪找到它们呢, 下午回乡下找去。 一是想给小孩演示下怎样捅马蜂窝,二是让他们见识下老爸有多历害 :)

Enjoy :)
following me at @MyFirst

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