Draw on blockchain : Elves party on Mid-Autumn Festival 小精靈的中秋派對

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Few days ago, recognized even in the same Chinese ethic group, people in different areas have different ways to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. The most important event of the festival in my childhood is light up candles. The idea is from this old memory and reflect by the ever young elves in the forest.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is a harvest festival celebrated by ethnic Chinese and Vietnamese people.The festival is held on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar with full moon at night, corresponding to late September to early October of the Gregorian calendar with full moon at night. source

Outline 起稿

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先想一些中秋節的元素:月餅、燈籠,還有最最最重要的月餅鋁盒+蠟燭。小精靈的印象是《烙印戰士》(劍風傳奇) 的巴克~這漫畫無論設定、畫面還是敍事既宏偉又精妙,希望有朝一日能看到它的結局...(咳)

First, find some elements represent the festival in Hong Kong : Mooncake, lantern, and the mooncake box with candles! The image of elf is based on comic,Berserk 's Purk^^ The setting, characters, story and drawing are at high level, recommended.

在香港,蓮蓉和白蓮蓉月餅都是最普遍的。有單黃也有雙黃。我最喜歡吃咸蛋黃了,但是有時候蛋黃的位置不在正中,剛好分到沒黃的部份就... 欣賞其他的部份吧TT

另外,現在也有各種花樣的月餅,冰皮月餅啦、冰淇淋月餅啦;又有各種口味,芒果、巧克力、栗子、榴槤都有,今年先吃了個榴槤味的冰皮月餅(o) 雖然不是人人都喜歡這種「破格」的月餅的,但個人經驗對於沒有吃月餅傳統的國家的朋友來說,覺得傳統月餅太油膩,反而這些像甜點的冰皮月餅更合口味,好吃又能一起感受節日氣氛也不錯看。

The most common mooncake in Hong Kong are white lotus seed and lotus seed paste mooncake. Some with salted egg yolk. I like egg yolk very much! But sometimes the placement of yolk is not in the center, I will be a little bit disappointed if get the part with no yolk TT Besides, there are many new styles of mooncake, like snowy mooncake, ice-cream mooncake. Also with different favors, e.g. mango, chocolate, chestnut, durian also! I ate one with durian this year^^

Some people do not like this kind of new cake. However, in my experience, people from countries without moon cake tradition, they may feel the mooncake is to oily and heavy. But, The dessert like new style mooncake fit them :o Isn't it nice that everyone can be satisfied by different kind of mooncake~?

Coloring 上色

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Start from background. The sky is ultramarine, one of my favourite. I imitated expressionism great artists' brush. The sky likes Van Gogh, and the bush likes Monet.

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The tone is blue-green. Leaves are mainly separated into 3 groups of colors that all are based on cobalt green. Bright with turquoise, middle with ultramarine, dark with Prussian blue. Little varies can be controlled by adding water or add one more layer of blue to level down the brightness. Inclusion, it is a cobalt green world💚


I just recognized that lantern does not represent Mid-Autumn Festival in Taiwan. Since I had memory, lantern never missing in this festival. Paper traditional lanterns (like those in the drawing) and plastic cartoon lanterns. Some are with bgm too. At night, people will bring lanterns for a walk in parks and enjoy the moon. Sometimes, wind blows and the paper lantern will be turned over and burrrrn. The pomelo skin can also be lantern, like pumpkin in Halloween.

Fine tune 修飾

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Almost finished the filling. Some part are still too bright, e.g. mushroom, elf on the foreground, and some leaves. Turquoise with large among of water for covering one those bright parts. Like adding a new mask layer with color in PS, with no undo.





The most interesting is burning candles. At night, children will bring candles (a bit larger then birthday candle) and mooncake box and go outside, mostly park and beach. Light up the candles, place in the box, and next piece. Winds put off the candles, then light up again. One is finished, replace with new one. There is a troop of candles in box. It is healing like looking at the fireplace.

The advance level is melting all the candle. High temperature can burn a piece of paper immediately. Someone brings water and pours in the box. A big frame like explosion at the result. The surrounding screams, laugh, and clap. Some will pretend nothing special with a cool/poker face.

There is not much chance to deal with fire in childhood. So, children were crazy for playing candle on that day. Of course, there were also accidents, e.g. burning trees, people get hurt, and injury. Also, cooled down wax left on the ground and difficult to clean and clear...

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Epilogue 後記

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Nowadays, parents with higher safety sense, also with some restrictions in public, melting wax is not seen everywhere. May be there are too many other games much more interesting than play with candles. I played till university, and now it is also not so interesting to me, I prefer fragrance oils o

This year, may be having dinner at home, have a walk and moon appreciation, seeing others' playing and back home for upvote, lol.

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