All about Reputation 德高望重


Each user in steemit has a reputation number. The new account has reputation number of 25. Whales can be 60’s or 70’s. can show the reputation of a user. It also shows a formula to calculate reputation. To simplify the formula, we assume a user’s reputation score is n billions. Then the reputation is log(n)x9+25. For example, my score at this time is 281 billion. Then the reputation is log(281)x9+25 = 47.04. steemd can be used to check the reputation score. In short, to increase the reputation by 9, you must be 10 times better than now. It means, I need the score of 2.81 Trillion to get the reputation of 56, 28.1 Trillion to 64, and 281 Trillion to 73. Long way to go.

steemwhales can show the rankings by reputation. According to it @steemsports is #1: 77.8. The famous Mr. Wang @wang has the worst reputation: -16.2.

For new users, the reputation score is 0. log(0) is not defined, but the system managed to set the reputation to 25. For negative scores, the formula is 25-log(abs(n))x9. To increase reputation by 1, the score needs to increase 29%.

I am wondering how does the original reputation score calculated. If anybody knows it or point to the code, please let me know. Thanks


网站steem.cool可以查询用户目前的声望值。比如 @nationalpark目前声望是47,声望积分是281 Billion,距离声望升级还差78 Billion分。网站还给出一个由声望积分算声望值的公式。我给它简化一下,假设声望积分是n billion。那么声望值就是 log(n)x9+25。比如我的声望值就是 log(281)x9+25 = 47.04。声望积分可以通过steemd查到。总之声望值每加9分就要付出十倍的努力。就是说等我的声望积分到了2,810 Billsion,我就可以升级到56。升级到65,需要28 Trillion。280 Trillion,74级。任重而道远啊。

网站steemwhales可以查询声望值及其排名。这个网站显示 @steemsports排名第一:77.8。著名的隔壁老王 @wang高居榜底:-16.2。据说老王曾经是个有名的机器人,不知道得罪了哪路神仙被贬到十八层地狱。

每个新人的声望积分都是0分。大家知道log(0)没有定义。但是积分0的都被处理成25。像隔壁老王这个的负分数则是 25-log(abs(n))x9。声望值每增加一级,积分需要增加29%。


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