How powerful is your vote? Check it Now! / 你的投票值多少钱?

Some of my friends on steemit always ask me how much their vote is worth? I am also very curious about this question.


Before, my method to check it:

  1. Check my voting power at steemd, and remember it
  2. Record the reward of a specific post
  3. Upvote the post with 100% weight
  4. Check the reward of the post again

Then I will figure out how much my vote is worth, at current voting power, and at full voting power.


  1. 现去steemd.com看一下自己的Voting Power
  2. 找一个帖子,看下当前收益
  3. 100%投一票
  4. 再查看这个帖子的收益

然后我就可以根据收益增加的数量判断出在当前Voting Power下,我的一票值多少钱,进而可以推算出100%Voting Power的时候,我的一票值多少钱。

I think this method is very stupid, especially when someone voted before me, between the step (2) and step(3), I will get completely wrong result!


So I think that if there's a better way to check the vote value? More accurate and easier to use. I found some tools, but not what I wanted. So I wrote this one, for myself, my friends, and you.


The URL & Interface

Just input the account name you want to check, then press Return or click Check Button, you will get the results.

这个工具用起来非常简单啦,输入你要查看的用户名,然后回车或者点Check 按钮,就会得到结果了。

The Results Filed

For example, the results for oflyhigh


All the results are based on that you upvote a post with 100% weight ! If your want to know the value of different vote weight, just multiply the value and the percent you want to use.


Besides showing the vote value, I also show some useful information on the result page, such as the price of STEEM(current_median_history_price) and your Effective Steem Power

除了显示投票的价值,我还在页面上显示了一些有用的信息,比如当前STEEM的价格(系统价)以及你的等效STEEM POWER.

Are you want to know how powerful is your vote? Check it Now!

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