Today I would like to introduce you the newly opened Nine Seafood Place in Whampoa-Kowloon-Hong Kong, with 50,000 feet area. Indeed most of the shop and restaurant are still in preparation stage.
九號水產 七千呎海鮮大街
Here is the seafood market with 7,000 feet! Any good cook here?
我大致逛了一個圈,暫時開業的有主打熟食的居酒屋「饒之味」,時令活蟹 全蟹懷石宴的「蟹筵」,米芝蓮推薦 壽司 Omakase和即劏水產 壽司店+自助食堂的「頣之味」。
本來我是走進了饒之味的,但發現沒刺身吃有點生落所以轉移了頣之味。我經過蟹筵看到那巨蟹超吸引的!!! 好可惜價錢真的非常貴喔,最便宜的餐都要過千元一位呢!
There's basically 4 restaurants have been opened. Theres one restaurants namely KANYDN, so much big crab out there! Unfortunately it cost more than $1,000 HKD/person.