角色的轉變 | Changes in Character | 谷哥点名#11 |

再一次謝謝 @jubi的谷哥點名,十分喜歡是次的題目。最近工作繁忙,又來到最後兩天才"開夜車"了。

Here I would like to introduce you one of the little competition in the cn community launched by @jubi, @jubi set out topic for each week for us to write, unfortunately so far this is for cn community only, most of the essays are being written in Chinese only, this is also the first essay I've also translated into English, hopefully you all enjoy it.

每個人在不同的階段,不同的環境擔當著不同的角色。從小到大,我是由婆婆照顧著的,說起母親的角色,婆婆反而更像我母親,接送上學,監督功課,說人生大道理等等。我跟我的母親的關係就像朋友一樣,因她是上班族的關係,小時候也不太常看到她,她還有一些..很青春的嗜好,由我小時候直到現在,她仍然非常熱愛跟朋友外出喝酒-_-。我的朋友現在看來經常說她比我更像一個青年哈哈。她從來也不會打我罵我,即使我小時候作弊被老師發現了(對,超壞的),我媽只罵了我一句 : 怎麼你那麼笨會被人發現的?

Everyone acts different characters in different stages and environment. When I was young, my grandma acted like my mom to look after me, like walking me home from school, monitoring me from doing homework, etc. Me and mom were like a friend, we actually seldom met as she always busy for work.. as well as hanging out and drinking with her friends lol, well, she still enjoy doing this even now. Majority of my friends always tease my about my mom looks like a teenager more than I do.


Photo Source [1]

兒童、青年的角色 (至少在我的年代)還可說上是幸福的,(先不討論現今過度競爭下使學童承受著巨的大壓力),那時候我們的角色只需學習和玩樂。放學一整天在吃餅乾看卡通是常識吧! 那時候可沒需要上那麼多興趣班,興趣班是真的為興趣而上的‧‧所以我只偶爾到畫室玩玩比卡超哈哈。。

When I were still a kid / teenager, my childhood was relatively happy compare to those nowadays (as the Hong Kong's community become way to competitive, leading teenager more and more stressful, not to discuss in details here). Honestly I remember none of the knowledge I've learnt but the those cartoon lol.


After graduation, it's kinda like a milestone to me. Have you noticed that you've grew also means your parents gradually old? By that I've noticed our character like switched.




In the past old days, I dun have to concern about any money burden but having fun. Since I've become the major economic pillar in my family, I feel stress, I've also argued with my mom because of money, I always reckon why she spends so much while I work so industrious..

But I've forgotten how I spent her money when I was young...

Character switched, your attitude and mindset should also be changed with it.

希望你們喜歡我的分享!! 感謝你們抽空閱讀我的文章!

Thank you for your reading!


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