QS Sharing (4) - Tendering 1 | 工料測量/造價工程分享(4) - 招標


(Photo taken with my old film camera - 這是我用我的二手菲林相機拍下的)

Last time I introduced you the first two stage of the construction process that QS involved in - Contracts & Scope and Design Stage. Today I wanna discuss with you about the Tendering Stage .

Before I deeply investigate about tendering stage, first you have to know there is two sides of QS - one representing the Employer (Consultancy) and the other one working for the Contractor.

上回跟據整個建築項目過程的首兩部分- 制定合約和工程大綱及設計。我們可以看到QS的參與其實是環跨整個過程的,今天就跟大家談談第三步 - 招標和投標。

在深入探討前,你必須了解會有兩方的QS代表 - 業主(顧問公司)和承建商。


  1. 招標 Tender Notices (Consultancy QS's role 顧問公司QS方)

After the Design is completed, it's time for the Consultancy QS to design the tendering system, there is basically two types of tendering, which are open tender and selective tender. We would say majority of the public works tend to use open tender and the private developer tends to choose the selective tender.


Open Tender 公開招標

Open tender means everyone can bid for the works as long as you fulfil the requirements. Open tendering is the preferred public procurement method used for acquiring goods, services and infrastructure works. There is standard procedures established in different country with established procedures set out in the procurement guidelines and detailed in the standard bidding documents. Open tendering is also known as open competitive bidding, open competition or open solicitation, and the procurement notices used to call for bids for these requirements are identified as: Invitation for Bids or Invitation to Tender.


Selective Tendering 選擇性招標

Selective Tendering means there is a pre-selected list, only those Contractors on list are invited, this is very common in the construction industry especially in the private market. First of all, open tender is very costly, it takes many unnecessary time to do the tender assessment for numerous tenders received. Indeed, those private developers might tend to select the Contractors they have been worked together with who gives them confidence.


There is also other system called Negotiated tendering, Serial Tendering, Framework tendering, etc. But I think Opening Tendering and Selective Tendering takes majority of the works now, so I will not discuss the remaining systems here.

其實還有其他的招標系統如Negotiated tendering, Serial Tendering, Framework tendering等等,不過現今公開招標和選擇性招標基本上佔據了市場上大部分的工程,餘下的我就不在這裡介紹了。

Bills of Quantities (BQ) 工程量清單

Bills of Quantities (BQ) is a very very very important document for a QS. Basically it is the summary of the taking-off, it listed out all the elements for the tenderers to price, it is very crucial for the QS to ensure everything is on the list, and described everything in details, make sure nothing is missing. The tenderers will then price according to your BQ, and the project will be awarded according to it, so on for the interim payment, which is a binding document. If there is anything missing or incorrect, the Employer will suffer the loss and he may face claims that the loss can be huge.

There is a very good sample for a BQ, imagine BQ as s shopping list, which listed out everything you gonna buy in a supermarket, with accurate description.


有一個很簡單的例子比如BQ,想像他是一個你去菜市場的買菜清單,他就是列出所有你需要買(建)的東西,所有東西需清楚描述,配料必需買齊,才能煮出你想煮的東西喔 !

Today i introduced you the role of Consultancy side QS's works in tendering stage, this is only part of the works, indeed the QS has to prepare many tendering documents like the preamble, preliminary items which I skipped here. Next time I will share you the other way round, how the Contractor QS to bid for the works. Again, feel free to leave comments if you have any questions ! 😊
I Hope you all enjoy my sharing about quantity surveying.

如有問題歡迎留言發問,希望你們喜歡我的分享 :)


QS Sharing 工料測量/造價工程分享

  1. Have you heard about Quantity Surveying ? 你有聽過工料測量/ 造價工程嗎?

  2. Evolution of Taking-off | 量度的演變

  3. Role of QS? | QS的角色 - Contract & Scope, Design Stage 制定合約,工程大綱和設計階段

Source - Photo

Source - Photo

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