“A City a story” photo contest #15 Flower 一個城市的故事“照片每週比賽 #15花

Bauhinia may spring to your mind when it comes to the flower of Hong Kong. But I am not doing anything here about bauhinia just because I am convinced that a city a story competition series is a great outlet for me to reveal what might have been forgotten.


I am presenting to you WILDFLOWERS of Hong Kong. Yes, wildflowers, your eyes are not playing tricks on you! But please do not get me wrong, I am not talking about an affair or a mistress. A local Cantonese cliche goes: Don't pick any roadside wildflowers! This literally exhibits that men in a relationship or married should avoid cheating on loved ones like the plague.


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Unknown wildflowers have a silent appearance in the garden but with surprisingly strong resilience

Wildflowers are not planted intentionally by gardeners or gardening enthusiasts. Seeds of them flowing in the air without knowing their fate. Some may go into the tiny wall crack struggling for life, some may land over soil in the garden having a competition with those intentionally planted, some may sit over the pavement in fear of being stepped on and crushed. Fate of wildflowers can be miserable or restless, but one thing for sure, wildflowers are tough to grow, no matter how notorious, adverse and rough the environment or surrounding is. Wildflowers are remarkably resilient, you pull of them off but they will soon grow again.


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They brace themselves for a tough road ahead...just for basic survival...

How wildflowers are associated with Hong Kong? You might have seen uncountable marketing portraying Hong Kong as a marvellous or well-developed place to be. Certainly, you have upscale shopping facilities, luxurious cars and buildings across the city, and the so-called leading financial market.


Those glamorous things, to me, are well-planted flowers in a greenhouse. They might just add to the shallow side of Hong Kong. Deeper inside the city, she is much capital driven. What does it mean? If you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth, or have a lump of capital, you can get richer and can be well taken of, akin to those well-planted flowers.


The well-off (greenhouse flowers) is not an ordinary phenomenon. What is common across the city is the emergence of humble and hardworking people, I am calling them the normal working class. I am not humble but among the working class. The working class is like those wildflowers, people belonging to this class might not know their fate and might not be as lucky as those greenhouse flowers. But, most of the working class have tough personalities with strong resilience. No matter how miserable or awful the situation is, they can get it over and bounce back. The working class can be flexible too, most of them are versatile at work and take up different positions (similar to wildflowers in the wall crack, on the pavement or in the garden, they can finally grow).


Hong Kong is laden with 'wildflowers', without those 'wildflowers', Hong Kong would not have been the Hong Kong of today. When most have said Hong Kong has been marginalised and her days are numbered, I am still optimistic about her future. Once people can still keep the 'wildflower' mentality, they can still find a way out and work their way up. The internet ecosystem has been going decentralised, with the 'wildflower' mentality, the working class, and myself being one the working class, may consider doing something great along the blockchain. Let's catch this wave, don't miss the boat!


**I am so sorry that I have been sentimental these two days, having read a post on misery at work. This post is a self-reflection of mine going a little bit deeper into what I have personally seen and experienced by way of the connection between flower and the city. **

Thanks must go to @aaronli, he has been a wonderful host to this on-going weekly 'a city a story' photo competition series. I have found some great moments for myself to look deeper around the city.

**我非常抱歉,這兩天我一直感性,因為閱讀了一篇關於工作的文章。通過花卉和城市之間的聯繫,這篇文章是我對自己的一種自我反思,更深入地了解了我親身經歷過的經歷。 **


Photos and content are original.

Location: Hong Kong
Camera: Sony compact digital camera

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