A Great Way to Secure Your Crypto / 安全存放虚拟货币的方法


I recently purchased the excellent "Ledger Nano S" which allows you to store your cryptocurrencies on. In today's crazy world digital age where the dangers of hacking, losing passwords or hardware failure are all to prevalent, this great little device proves a great security option.

It works by allowing the user to interface between your Internet Chrome browser and the wallets stored on the device. A total of five different accounts can be saved on the Nano S at any one time, however all the other wallets on offer are interchangeable at any time. You will find the usual suspects such as Bitcon, Ethereum and Litecoin as well as other less supported ones like Neo and Ripple.

The main advantage as opposed to keeping everything on a desktop wallet is that the latter option is pretty much an "offline" solution. It is similar to the popular "paper wallet method" but more robust, I feel. Though you still need to remember a 24-word phrase (in the right order) to restore your wallet just in case the device gets lost or stolen.

It's amazing how fast crypto is moving. As the prices continue to climb to astronomical levels, the privacy and security of your personal funds will become ever more significant. Therefore I decided to opt for a hardware based method of storage and I urge you to do the same if you want, what I feel, is near the pinnacle of safe keeping and in turn, peace of mind.

The Ledger Nano S is one of the best hardware wallets the market has to offer (there is also the TREZOR and Keepkey to choose from too that both offer similar type functionality) and one I highly recommend as your go-to store of "digital wealth".


(Ready for unboxing...)



(Small, compact, yet so essential.)


("Vires in Numeris" means Strength in Numbers.)


大家都知道虚拟币的存放一直都是个问题。 我最近购买了一个硬件钱包Ledger Nano S。硬件钱包其实就是安全的离线设备,它能离线储存你的虚拟货币,免受黑客攻击。这款出色的Ledger Nano S是一个非常好的安全选择。

Ledger Nano S的工作原理是允许用户在互联网浏览器和存储在设备上的钱包之间进行交易。 Nano S可以同时存放五个不同的虚拟货币,但是所有其他的虚拟货币随时都可以互换。这个硬件钱包除了支持我们常见的虚拟货币,如比特币,Ethereum和Litecoin等,它还支持Neo和Ripple。

与桌面钱包上相比,它的主要优势在于“离线”。这与流行的“纸币钱包”有点儿类似,在我看来更安全可靠。万一硬件钱包丢失或被盗,只要你保存好recoveryphrase (24个特别的单词 ,而且要按正确的顺序),就能在任意一个Ledger 硬件钱包上还原。这个非常重要。

随着虚拟货币的日渐增长,价格继续攀升至天文数字,个人资金的隐私和安全变得越来越重要。因此,我决定选择一种硬件的存储方法。自从我买了Ledger Nano S,真心感觉保险安全。

我认为Ledger Nano S是现在市场上最好的硬件钱包之一。当然也有其他像TREZOR和Keepkey可供选择,他们两者都提供类似的功能。如果大家拥有一定量的虚拟货币的话,我会建议大家也考虑一下购买硬件钱包。


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