China's Population Crisis / 中国的人口问题

A relatively well known fact is that China has the largest population in the world. This has been of great concern to our government for many years now as there will reach a point where the elderly will almost equal the number of people in employment. Some experts say as soon as 2040. That’s a disconcerting prospect for the future.  

中国拥有世界上最多的人口, 这是一个众所周知的事实。中国政府多年来一直很关注这个问题,唯恐不久的将来我们的老年人口会上升到与就业人口一样。一些专家评论,也许2040年这个可怕的预言就会实现,那可不是一个乐观的前景。 

Currently, China’s GDP is fast catching up to the USA’s and looking very like to surpass it very soon. However, could the demographic problems looming on the horizon adversely affect this seemingly inevitable outcome? What has China done about this thus far and what further action could they take it the future? 


China’s Fight against the Clock / 中国必须争分夺秒 

The problems outlined above are already beginning to surface for the Chinese government to try and solve. For example, last year it was announced that the Chinese army may have to reduce its number by up to 300,000. Though no conclusive reason was given by the Chinese authorities, this was widely believed to be because of labour shortages already affecting certain parts of China.   

上述问题已经开始逐渐浮出水面,等待着中国政府去解决。例如 ,去年中国宣布军队将减少30万人数,虽然政府没有给出明确的原因,这被普遍认为是由于中国某些地区劳动力短缺所致。 

Longer term economic forecasts paint a picture of uncertainty as to how China will deal with this. The elderly will need people to attend to them on a daily basis, sometimes requiring round-the-clock care given their differing individual needs. If the statistical analysis is correct, how will the spread of labour be apportioned accordingly with so few eligible workers available? It is a worrying dilemma, to say the least. 


What Has Been Done About It So Far? / 迄今为止所采取的行动是什么? 

Of course, the most famous “one child policy” rule introduced in 1978 to 1980 was a quick fix for our increasing Chinese population. This I feel, while a good idea at the time, produced a double edged sword. On the one hand, you had a solution for kerbing population growth but also created a side effect  of having fewer younger generation Chinese who would be needed to assist with the elderly as well as sustain growth in GDP to progress China. 


This was overturned in 2015 when the “two child policy” was phased in to try to bring balance to both the population and demographic concerns, but one must ask, is this too little too late? When the one child policy was in place, the overwhelming majority of children born were boys. This imbalance in gender also raises future demographic issues for families across China.   


Difficult Choices Ahead / 艰难的选择 

Though living in London, my entire family is based in China so this is as much a concern for me as it is for millions of other Chinese out there. The way I see it, there is no avoiding a conflict of interests and one solution will cause another problem.  


Maybe our government will keep production levels and GDP running at the current rate of growth while attempting to somehow budget for elderly care. Or possibly slow the rate of economic growth down and redistribute its wealth to provide adequate support for its people. Unfortunately, it seems like there just has to be a trade off somewhere. 


These are just my opinions on how I see the matter from a personal point of view. I feel like it is a ticking time bomb ready to go off in the next few years unless some drastic action is taken soon. I would be happy to hear your thoughts on this sensitive subject?     


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