My Adventure on the Island of Crete - Day 7 / 希腊克里特岛之旅 - 第七天

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Having enjoyed Crete for almost a week now, I thought I’d try out one of the best Cretan cuisine establishments on the island.

Elia & Diosmos has got to be the best authentic Greek restaurant of my trip so far. The 5-star reviews and great comments written about this place come as no surprise to me.

Elia & Diosmos is located on the edge of a quaint little village within the town of Skalani. Only a short drive from Iraklio itself, then a further ten minutes south of Knossos (Quick tip: remember to download the offline Google maps before travelling here. I would consider it mandatory, especially if sight-sighting via car).

The restaurant came highly recommended by our trusty guide book “Lonely Planet - Crete”, as well as by the famous newspaper “The Guardian” back in London so my excitement was already building. Though nothing prepared me for how delicious the food tasted. Easily, one of the best restaurants I dined at on this awesome trip!

I arrived just in time for an early lunch after some brief exploration of the Knossos. I found the village to be very calm and serene. A stark contrast to the bustle and hustle of London life and a welcome change.

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Upon entering the Elia & Diosmos, we were graciously greeted at the entrance and seated by the garden terrace area which provided some much-needed shade from the hot weather. The interior of the restaurant itself was beautifully designed with the lavish décor looking quite modern as opposed to Greece’s usual historical feel.

The venue was clean and very well-maintained considering how big it was comparison to other buildings in the village. I’d have loved to come here in the evening time to observe what the atmosphere would be like then. I’m sure they’ll be a next time!

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The garden was full of plants, some of which were small lemons and olive trees. The whole place had nice, homely ambience to it. Near to where I sat and towards the back garden, there were two huge domed clay ovens which added to the overall authentic atmosphere of the establishment. A very nice touch indeed.

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They offered up a varied menu of different local food. Apparently, they insist on using seasonal local produce in keeping with traditional Cretan dishes, including tender choice cuts of succulent lamb dishes.

The waiter who served us could not have been more friendly and helpful in explaining the various menu options available and making his recommendations known. You could tell he was a true professional in his field who was obviously very passionate about how the food was prepared. He definitely added to the already amazing experience.

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All the dishes were sheer excellence. Carefully prepared with their fresh local ingredients. The style being heavily influenced by traditional Cretan cooking, yet with a modern twist.

A little plate of beautiful, fresh homemade bread and refreshing salad beans were served whilst we waited for the mains. As with all the food in Crete, it was of the highest standard.

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But mains were exceptional, beautifully presented and absolutely delicious! The cook seemed to have such flair to culinary detail and was clearly very proud of her work.

My main was Lamb of Minos which is a combination of rosemary, honey and garlic accompanied by potatoes and seasonal vegetables on the side.

I enjoyed the pure bliss of the quintessential lamb shank. Super juicy and soft, tender meat together with the honey flavoured sauce blended with creamy potato. This was definitely turning out to be a very memorable highlight.

And those servings of fresh courgette, sweet roast pepper, soft aubergine and ripe tomatoes. Vegetables are so fresh, unlikely anything I’ve tasted in the UK. What a feast of flavours!

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My husband had the slow roasted lamb with fresh hand cooked chips. Even that was such a delicious treat. I believe the secret to them creating such amazing lamb was the traditional clay oven they used. It was always burning and kept at the optimum temperature. A great idea to attract many hungry diners!

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The local wine I tried added the perfect finishing touch to this outstanding meal!

Although we really wanted to try out their desserts, there was literally no room left in our bellies! it was an early lunch after all, lol. However, we were treated with a lovely plate of fresh fruit at the end. Again, another example of the genuine hospitality of the Cretan people!

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I have mentioned this before but it can’t be emphasized enough. The people here are some of the nicest I have ever met. So incredibly generous, warm and inviting. They are the true treasures of this great island.

It is common knowledge here in Crete that things should not be rushed. It’s all about the relaxation and enjoyment of the people and the places. So there was no rush to get the bill paid either. Just a nice, care-free lunch whilst we let the time fly by.

For such beautiful food here, it surprised us that the price was so reasonable as well. The final bill for the two of us was less than 30 euros. Just incredible value for money!

To wrap up, this is a truly exceptional restaurant where everything is fresh, delicate and flavourful. The ingredients were all of the finest quality and made with care and loving attention to detail. Will most definitely go back there when we visit Crete the next time!

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Later that same afternoon, we visited the lovely Potamos beach, situated next to the archaeological site of Malia where I was two days ago. Due to it's location, the hotel buildings and touristic development are restricted here so it is less congested than the main beach of Malia. Some would say it's way more peaceful and has plenty of free space. Great for those who prefer to escape the large crowds of Malia.

Potamos itself is a beautiful, golden sandy beach with blue, crystal clear water including a few trees scattered around. It feels very relaxing to be there, with a lovely breeze and comfortable sun loungers. There are beds and umbrellas available but because of the ample space, you can just lay your towel down in a free spot on the sand.

The beach's lukewarm water is ideal to swim in or for taking a wistful stroll along it's lengthy stretch of sand in. Perhaps even for playing a game of beach volley for more fun in the sun!

You can enjoy good food and coffee, check out the Kalyva tavern overlooking the beach and possibly enjoy the glorious sunset too!

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我们的旅游书“孤独星球”以及伦敦名报“The Guardian”都有推荐这家,所以我非常期待来看一看。结果我一点儿都没有失望,这的确是我吃过最好的一家希腊菜!

我在 Knossos 镇游览了一个上午,就跑来这儿享用午餐。村子非常平静和安宁,与伦敦生活的喧嚣形成了鲜明对比,让我有非常休闲舒适的感觉。餐馆干净整洁,它的规模在这个小村庄里应该算大了。这里中午相对安静,但晚上人多时一定很热闹。有机会的话我会再来享受晚餐的,呵呵。






我点的是Lamb of Minos。它是由迷迭香,蜂蜜和大蒜腌制,再配上土豆和季节性蔬菜。








Elia&Diosmos 是一家非常特别的餐厅,使用最新鲜的材料,制作出最美味的特色菜,性价比超高。下次来克里特岛,我一定会再来光顾的!

当天下午,我去了 Potamos海滩,就在我两天前参观的Malia 考古遗址旁边。由于它的位置特殊,一定程度上限制了酒店建筑和旅游开发,所以它没有 Malia其他海滩这么拥挤。这里有广阔的空间,非常安静平和,特别适合那些想避开Malia 繁华闹市的人们。

Potamos 是一个美丽的金色沙滩,清澈蔚蓝的水,还有几棵树零星地穿插在岸上。我舒适地躺在沙滩椅上晒日光浴,享受阵阵夹带咸味的海风,感觉轻松自在!沙滩上有出租的太阳伞和沙滩椅可供选择,但也有充足的空间位置让游客摆放自带的沙滩毛巾及用品。


同时你还可以到旁边的Kalyva小酒馆(我在“希腊特里克岛之旅-第五天”的文章里介绍过) 俯瞰海滩,喝杯咖啡或是享受美食,静观日落!

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