Extraordinary, Jupiter Planet Can Come 1,300 Planet Earth

Earth is a planet inhabited by humans. For humans, Earth is a vast place, but do you know more than 1,300 Earths on Jupiter planet? Planet Jupiter is known as 'King of the Planet'. Its size is even more massive than any other planet combined.
The earth, which is the largest terrestrial planet, is only a handful of parts compared to Jupiter's giant. Due to the difference in the size of both, people often wonder how much the Earth's comparisons are enough in Jupiter. And the result, the size of Earth can be thousands of times to meet Jupiter.
Reported by Universe Today, in general, Jupiter has an average radius of 69.911 ± 6 km (60217.7 ± 3.7 mi). The size is roughly 2.5 mass of all planets in the Solar System combined. Meanwhile, the average radius of the Earth is 6,371.0 km. This means the radius of the Earth when compared with Jupiter almost 11 times or exactly 10.97. As is known, Jupiter is bigger than other planets in the Solar System with a ratio 2.5 times larger.
In fact, Jupiter weighs 1,8986 × 1,027 kg or 1,898.6 billion trillion metric tons. On the other hand, the Earth has a mass of 5.97 × 1024 kg or equivalent to 5.97 billion trillion metric tons. By doing the calculations, it can be deduced that Jupiter is approximately 317.8 times larger than Earth.
Volume Comparison The calculation of the radius is only useful for measuring the ends of the Earth and ending in the midst of the gas giant planet. By comparing their masses, it will appear how the planet is widely different in terms of its density. To find out how much Earth can really fit in three dimensions, humans must consider the total volume that can be calculated using a simple formula.
Through mathematical calculations, it was found that Jupiter has a volume of 1.43 x 1,015 km³ (1.430 trillion cubic km). While Bumi has a volume of 1.08 trillion km3. Once divided, found value of 1299 which means it can fit nearly 1300 Earth in Jupiter.
The king of the planet is indeed much larger than the planet that humans live. Even so, some scientists have recently discovered a planet that is 50 times larger than Jupiter. If the findings are proven, the planet's giant nickname will certainly be detached from Jupiter. (Lnm).

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