写给社区的所有朋友们:你在为谁而写作?Who are you writing for?

   我给这篇小说起了个名字《小说:一场黄粱梦》,内容大约是讲几个创业青年渴望成功,却误入一场商业骗局,最终惨淡收场的故事。 这部短篇小说是大约两周前就想过的,真正决定动笔写应该是在两天前。
  待我写完开篇,发布到社区 网站后,因为时间还尚早,我便在网上边浏览当天社区的新文章,一边走马观花边快速看着微信消息,突然看到有人在群里发信息说:冬天来了 等类似信息,我起先没怎么留意,心想现在已经快十一月份了,冬天确实是来临了(囧),但随后不久便看到 @justyy 发的一张截图,内容是关于 @ned 收回中文社区几个ID账户的代理权限,随后就看到群里有好几个朋友在讨论这件事情背后的原因。
  说心里话,对于回收代理SP事情的个中原因,我并没有想太多,也不想去想太多,因为无论如何,@ned 都给予了我们中文社区间接和直接很大的支持。再者,那些代理的SP是 @ned 先前代理给社区一些朋友,用来间接支持中文社区的,本就属于 @ned的,所以他想收回,什么时候收回,是他的事情,是他的权力,我认为完全没有什么问题,旁人也无可厚非,用不着也不要随意去猜测这背后的原因,没有太大意义。
   Steemit从开始至今,有过辉煌,比如H19分叉后发文章的高额回报,也有过惨淡,曾经有段时间发文经常几乎不值一文,但我们都没有放弃, 我们现在都知道 1steem 价值 略高过 1 美金,要知道最惨时1 steemit 连0.15 都不到,那时候也只有少数人包括我坚持了下来,这中间就包括 @deanliu @ace108 @oflyhigh @lemooljiang 等我所熟知的朋友。
  我在开始的时候,也曾经常得到 @ned 和 一些朋友包括 @abit @wang 等的点赞支持,我至今依然保持对他们的尊敬和心存感激之情。我在Steemit上坚持写作已经有一年多了,回想当初来Steemit,金钱的诱惑力确实是有些,但绝对不是最主要的原因。我个人喜爱文学,喜欢将自己的一些思想、体会、所见所闻、奇思妙想等记录下来,我很愿意也很想跟更多人分享,我为此很享受其中的乐趣,而事实上,坚持写作,并且不断地扩展写作的维度和题材范围,也是我乐此不疲的原因之一,我从中的确收获很多。
   在Steemit 上,我看到很多人来了,也看到一些人走了,那些纯粹为了金钱而来的,也终将会因为金钱而离去,大浪淘沙去伪存真,真正留下来依然在写作的,是那些还在坚持着自己梦想的人。

    最后补充一句,如同我在Steemit上的签名: 致力于Steemit社区多元化、丰富化发展 ( Dedicated to diversify and enrich the Steemit community ),我也会同之前一如既往不遗余力地、甚至花更多时间和精力、更大力度来支持大家,谢谢!

    Last night, I opened the computer as usual, and habitually wrote the article of the day. In fact, I have kept such a habit for two years. In the daytime, because of work reasons, I only have time to write some logs, experience, summaries or novels at night.

    After I finished writing the article of the day, I began to browse the fresh community articles of the day on the internet and read WeChat news thoroughly at the same time. Suddenly, I saw someone in the group sent a message that, winter was coming and other similar information. At first, I did not pay attention to it, thinking that it was near November, so the winter was indeed coming (dumbfounded), but a screenshot sent by @ justyy attracted my attention soon. It was about @ ned revoked the agent authority of several ID accounts in Chinese community.

    I don't think too much about the reasons for revoking agent SP, and I don't want to think too much, because in any case, @ned gives a lot of indirect and direct support to our Chinese community. Moreover, the agent SP, given by @ ned previously to some friends in the community for indirectly supporting the Chinese community, belongs to @ned, so he wants to revoke. When to revoke depends on him. I think it's ok, and it's acceptable for others. We should not arbitrarily guess the reasons behind this, because there is no great significance.

    From beginning to now, Steemit has made many brilliant achievements, such as high returns of publishing articles after H19 hard-fork. Steemit also had some bleak days, when published articles were worthless, but we didn't give up. As we know the value of 1steem is a little more than one dollar now, however, its value was less than 0.15 dollar in the worst days. At that time, only a few people, including myself, @ deanliu, @ ace108, @oflyhigh, @lemooljiang, and some of my familiar friends, still persevered.

    At the beginning, I often received support from @ned and some friends including @abit and @wang. I still keep my respect and gratitude for them. I have been writing on Steemit for more than a year, and recalling that in the early days when I came to Steemit, money was a little attractive indeed, but definitely it was not the most important reason. I personally love literature, and like to write down some of my own ideas, experience, something I see and hear, whimsy and so on. I would also like to share with more people, and enjoy the fun of it. And in fact, I insist on writing, and continue to expand the dimensions of writing and the scope of subject matters, but it is one of the reasons that I never feel tired, and I really harvest a lot.

   Through writing, I meet a lot of friends, and of course, I also receive support from a lot of friends. As I continue to create, my ideas are more and more clear, and my thinking is more active. I often jump out of my inertia thinking to think about the problems, and some even beyond my imagination. I find myself I could consider in that way. In short, writing not only brings funs to me, but more important is to broaden my thinking. And my mind is no longer limited in a part and become more extensive.

    On Steemit, I see a lot of people come, but also some people go. Those who come are for the sake of money, but also will eventually leave because of money. People always survive from severe competitions. Those who remain and keep writing are still sticking to their dreams.

    Who are you writing for? You are writing for yourself, for your own dream! And I believe that this world belongs to those who have dreams and adhere to them!

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