Thoughts on the Steemit Chinese Community Development 中文社区发展的一些思考

一年多前,我开始接触steemit,从开始抱着一丝怀疑和好奇的心态,到后来对steemit熟悉和信任,如同我自己的博客日志,每天都会登录,也会坚持每天把自己所见所思和所想记录下来,并发布在steemit上,可以毫不夸张地讲,自己已经一定程度上对steemit产生了感情,并有了依赖和熟知感,@myfirst 前几天还在开玩笑过,现在每天闲暇下来,刷steemit的频率已经远超过了刷朋友圈(也有很大可能是,他的朋友圈多是充斥些广告原因吧:) )。

About a year ago, i started using Steemit. At first i was unsure and curious, but slowly i understood it better and trusted it more. It’s like my personal blog, i login everyday, write about my experiences and my thoughts or ideas to post on Steemit. To be honest, i have developed a deep feeling for Steemit, a sense of belonging and closeness. @myfirst joked about it a few days ago that he has spent more time on Steemit than his WeChat/Weibo friends’ newsfeed (it’s probably because his friend’s newsfeed is full of advertisements. :) 


Just like everything in life, when you have used it for a long time, and got to know it better, you will form some opinions about your experience. This is the same for Steemit, and today i’d like to share my thoughts here as a message of hope. 


Earlier today, i saw a comment online saying that Steemit (Chinese) is doing pretty well in China. However, i beg to differ. 


I’ve always believed that “Crisis often arises from small matters (the devil is in the detail;) Even the brave and smart could be trapped in their own indulgence.” Steemit is indeed doing very well in the blockchain industry so far, but our Chinese community has yet to catch up with the global development, in terms of participants and popularity. It’s a fact, and it’s not entirely due to our lack of effort, because if some parts of Steemit could be improved, i believe the Chinese community on Steemit will do even better:


I hope Steemit can provide better technical support to Chinese users.


After using Steemit for awhile, I believe many Chinese users feel the same way as i do, that Steemit doesn’t support the Chinese language very well. For example, slow access (because Google is banned in China, loading certain fonts would affect the Chinese access); Steemit Chinese editing tool- as an amatuer Chinese writer, i have used many editing tools including many famous Chinese and international online editors, i have to say that the default Steemit Markdown is the most inconvenient, weird and ugliest tool ever. I usually have to write and edit my articles elsewhere first then copy and paste them on Steemit. 


I have a personal preference that not only my words, but also the layout of my articles have to maintain a certain standard. I believe this is an author’s principle. However, using Steemit Markdown to achieve these designs is just extremely difficult. 


I hope to see more diversity in the Steemit Chinese community, not restricted to just a few topics. 


From my observation, because during my free time, i would read many articles on Steemit, especially those in Chinese, whenever i see a brilliant piece, from someone who writes consistently, i would upvote it. This is to show my encouragement, and also my hope for the future of our Chinese community, and all these contributors, they’re building the future.  


However, in the past one year, i have noticed that, most of our topics or writing style are too similar. They are always about travel, food, blockchain, introduction, etc. Of course these are good topics, and there are many excellent writers. But without diversity, something difference from time to time, we will feel bored and grow sick of it.

  相对单一或较为单调的主题,我更建议大家不妨将话题放开,比如新闻、文化、文学、艺术、音乐、摄影、创作、交友、人工翻译、跨国(区域)、奇思妙想等,均可以。在这点上,中文社区里的茶馆@laodr(分别@lemooljiang @ace108 @oflyhigh @deanliu@rivalhw 由五位茶东轮流开馆)便是一个很好的榜样推介者,不仅丰富了中文社区的内容,更是带动和活跃了社区其它成员。

I suggest we broaden our topics of writing, such as news, culture, literature, visual art, music, photography, creativity, social networking, human translation, crossborder events, fantasies and so on. To promote this, our @laodr (hosted in turns by @lemooljiang @ace108 @oflyhigh @deanliu and @rivalhw) is a great example, not only it help enrich the content in our Chinese community, but also bring the members together to actively take part in discussions. 


I hope Steemit could introduce more 3rd party application support, this will increase its traffic and activity. 


To introduce more 3rd party application support, such as WeChat (widely used among the Chinese), AliPay, etc. These apps may help ease the registration or access difficulty, and because they already have huge user base, it will increase Steemit’s traffic and usage tremendously. 

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