权力越集中,民主越傻逼? The greater power, the weaker democracy

   今天上午时,我写了文章后,发布到steemit 上。事实上,在过去这一年来,只要有时间,我自己写好的文章都会发布到steemit,嗯,确实,已经养成了习惯。另外前一天晚上abit发信息告诉说,自己的账户已经加了我们几个人的key,以后让大家自己动手用他的账户点赞即可,大家都很高兴,因为今天已经不同于先前了,要知道,这之前掰起指头,往回数的几个月中,多数人在steemit 上的发帖回报很少,甚至少的可怜,有群友开玩笑说,守着卖白菜也卖了几个月了。。。 :)
  过了大约半个钟后,我尝试着点赞,我像往常般,像用自己账户给其他帖子点赞,用的是默认操作,就是因为这个默认操作,用的是100% power,没错,我先前点赞给他人帖子一直这样,所以一点赞完,我发现帖子金额嗖的一下子从两位数升到四位数$1600左右,我当时心里还在想,这威力真大啊!当然这个我是今天经人友善提醒时才发现,情况从前一天晚上开始,规则有了改变,每个账户每天只能10个power 100%。

   Last night after the hard bifurcation, the strength to send everyone to the patriarch God of abit and the next point of praise, and also had some recent old posts, for a time, we were holding the CN in dollars, everyone smile, the community also became a lively scene, like the new year like the noisy excitement.

  This morning, after I wrote the article, I posted it on steemit. In fact, in the past year, as long as I have time, my own articles will be published to steemit, well, indeed, I have got into the habit. In addition to the night before abit send a message to say that your account has been added to a few of us key, then let everyone himself with his account point to praise, everybody is very happy, because today is different from the previous one, you know, before it broke off from the finger, to back a few months. Most people posting on steemit little in return, or even less, a group of friends joked, keep selling cabbage also sell for a few months... :)

  After about half an hour later, I try to upvote, I like usual, like their own accounts to other posts like, using the default action, because this is the default operation, use 100% power, yes, my previous post has been such a point of praise to others, so a little praise, I found a post amount whoosh from two digits to four digits or about $1600, I think my heart was really big ah, this power! Of course, I was reminded today of a friendly reminder that the situation had changed since the night before, and the rules had changed. Each account was only 10 power 100% per day.

  I suddenly realized the problem.

  At about near 1 pm when I found the post down to less than $1500, i still did not care it, but after 1 pm, I suddenly found the post earnings into 0, i was shocked, but also some strange, not long after, I learned that the group is a kind of users,in order to consider the overall situation,who will I like to cancel, in this regard,my attitudeas as below:

  1, first of all, I have to make a clear statement, I think the idea of this netizen is right, I also agree with him, and I expressed gratitude for it too;

  2, I agree with the idea, but it does not mean that I agree with his practice, especially when I don't know, I cancelled the praise. Later interpretation, I think is reasonable, no problem;

  3, but I'm not in the mood!!! This thing obviously can be very good treatment, at least to ask for my advice, by the post of their own to deal with, if you give me to deal with it. The need to send the bell person, this is common sense is the most basic respect! Even if someone stepped on, I don't believe all the people on the stick, because I'm not released flood posts is very real,, some people even own words from the bottom of the heart, jealous or resentful, folk people know there is a saying, listen to the Lalagu call, not to grow crops? Let it go. The basic logic is, you can tell me, tell me where there is a problem, this is the most basic, the most common but normal thinking, of course, as to whether or not a friendly attitude, I believe I can tell, if it is really good to me, my face to face criticism is welcome. On the contrary, to my character, by the nature.

  Through this thing, I draw a lesson, I learned that my previous point has been the default 100, no clear rules changed one night, only 10, because I don't understand the rules, the result is to make yourself a kind of dumb feeling. :)

  This is a lesson and an experience for me. That is I was not informed of the situation has been cancelled, and after the cancellation, he told me, speaking from the heart, I think the right thing to do, but in other words, everything is not all can ease the practice? Be notified, not directly resolved.

  I have always believed that the greater the power, the greater the responsibility, work should be cautious, trembling, rather than standing on a high platform, a large wave of a wand, below would be a natural submissive...

  This thing I insist that the net friend did right, but I think the other party's treatment method is very defective.

  The greater power, the weaker democracy?

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