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強烈要求Steemit 增加草稿箱功能 Suggest Steemit develop Drafts funtion

剛剛我生氣了,原本花了一小時完成一半的文章因為WINDOWS強制更新而要強制關機,這時候真的是一肚氣,花了一小時完成了一半關於介紹LCC航空的文章,現在變成了一篇空白的海。剛剛想放棄了,不想多寫一次,為什麼草稿箱這個功能連EMAIL,淘寶賣家還有WordPress都有,Steemit 就沒有,我真的希望Steemit 能加上這功能在網頁上用。
I was just angry, I had spent one hour to complete the article because of forced renewal of WINDOWS to force the shutdown, this time really is a belly, spent an hour to complete the article on the introduction of LCC aviation, now turned into a Blank sea. Just want to give up, do not want to write once time, why the function of the draft box even EMAIL, Taobao sellers have WordPress have, Steemit no, I really hope that Steemit can add this function on the page with.

當Steemit 有了草稿箱功能,希望每分鐘會自動儲存文章到草稿箱,而文章在發佈後,草稿箱會自動刪掉。

When Steemit has a draft box function, hope that every minute will automatically save the article to the draft box, and the article after the release, the draft box will be automatically deleted.
And the draft box there are other uses, when we do not have time, the article can be stored and so have time to continue


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