Love failure 💔 / 爱失败💔

"Every love story has a life "
" There is life after love failure" @saimegh

                 “失恋后有生命”. @saimegh

Here I ( siddarth) and she refers to ( Ashu Reddy)

在这里(siddarth),她指的是(Ashu Reddy)

In my story was she was an office colleague and wasn’t my relative.


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When we broke up, this exact situation was my concern. How can I face her knowing that now she can’t be mine ever again. I was literally running away from her. I tried my best to avoid situations where I had to confront her. It was a total nightmare. I came back home on a leave when she was getting married and I remember on the day of her wedding I was shattered. I was in pieces and I started wondering how I am going to go back to that same office where I used to share a cup of coffee with a pinch of laughter with the very same girl.


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With a heavy heart I resumed my office, and came to know that she will not be joining for another month. I was relieved to some extent although the thoughts kept shuffling in my mind like a power point presentation. But after a month, circumstances changed and I had to resign to join a new company and a new country.


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I realised that this is my silver lining. I realised there is still hope in life and that He has looking over me. He has closed the chapter in entirety and has bestowed me with a new opportunity. I left the place with mixed feelings as I was there for quite a long time but eventually I started a new beginning.


My point is, that although my situation was bit different, time healed everything. You had never expressed your feelings to him and you have assumed that he loved you. Honestly, there was nothing to begin with (no offence). It would have been more severe if you were in relationship.


Try diverting your mind for a while. Travel to some nice place with friends, have some quality time with people. Try not to be alone and try to keep yourself busy.


Face it and don’t let it break you. Keep yourself together and trust me when I say this, time will take care of it.

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There will be no love like first love/ 没有像爱一样的爱

My next post will be on why I hate job interviews?


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