蛾子分类档案之天蛾科(2)一(Moth classification archives)


Hello everyone! The moth classification archives is meeting you again. The posts I've written are supported by a lot of friends, and that gives me a lot of motivation to continue writing. Today, we continue to look at the Sphingidae moths.


The last time we had said, Sphingidae moths' color is not rich, but here's a red moth is an exception, positive and negative are both red, is easy to recognize. There are two moths of the name and appearance are like , Marumba sperchius and Marumba maacki. They are all Marumba, so named because of the two wing have two round spot, two hind wings have four round spot. The most obvious difference between them is the Marumba maacki's color is shallow, yellow. But as the name that is Rhagastis mongoliana, on both sides of head and shoulder boards are white.


If you're interested in what I've written, please support me. You can aslo go to look at the previous posts.

秋天的记忆——Memories of autumn

蛾子分类档案之天蛾科(1)一(Moth classification archives)

蛾子分类档案之尺蛾科(Moth classification archives)

蛾子分类档案之大蚕蛾科(Moth classification archives)

你能区分蝴蝶和蛾子吗?----Can you distinguish butterflies from moths?

你知道美丽的蝴蝶标本是怎么做出来的吗?----Do you know how beautiful butterfly specimens are made?

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