Finding Jackie Chan Street Art in Canberra! 在坎培拉遇见成龙

Did you know martial arts movie star Jackie Chan had Canberra connections? His parents lived here for a long time because his father used to be a chef for the US Embassy in Australia. They reportedly owned a video game store in Dickson, where I found this mural of him this morning. There was a construction fence around it so I had to take this photo through the wiring.

I actually walked past Jackie Chan one day years ago in the Woden shopping centre. He was wearing a grey track suit and sunglasses. Since he was with his family I didn't ask for an autograph or photo.


今天早上去办事的时候经过这个壁画。成龙的父母在坎培拉住了很久, 曾在中国城开一间录影带店。好几年前我在Woden 购物城跟成龙差身儿过。当时他跟家人在一起所以没有打扰他。他很低调,穿了一身灰色的运动衣,带墨镜。

Photo taken with my Samsung Galaxy s5.


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