Go Topless and Support International Women’s Rights Day 脱掉上衣来支持国际女权日

Go topless for Women’s rights in North America.

Wondering what to spend your Steem bucks on? Why not take a trip to Montreal Canada and celebrate Go Topless Day. It’s a real day, promise.
不知道要怎么花你的steem块?我们一起去加拿大东南部港市蒙特利尔去看看女性们脱掉上衣后如何去争取她们平等的权利 这可是真的存在的哟~

Women in North America didn’t always have the same rights they have today. From work, family, socially women always had to adhere to a different set of rules always below men.

After years of fighting and protesting women were able to get rights that allowed them to be more free and more on par with men. Things have come a long way since the days of man’s dominance over women but there is still more we need to do.

You see, in most of Canada woman have the right to go topless in public just like men can go topless. English speaking Canada respects a woman’s choice to be topless where ever she goes simply because it’s fair. However, in Quebec French Canada, women still are not allowed this basic human right.

While men in many countries are battling to keep their women covered up Quebec women are fighting for the opposite. They want the freedom to NOT wear whatever they want.

Women all over The USA are also fighting for this right on the same day. It’s a global initiative. Show your support and take part.

Sign the petition http://gotopless.org/petition

Check out their Facebook https://www.facebook.com/gotopless/

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