Explore Hong Kong with me #4- Longevity and Virtues Exhibition 「萬壽載徳-清宮帝后誕辰慶典」展覽 by @krischy

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Hi Steemit friends,

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Thank you for your support in my previous post about Explore Hong Kong with me #3- Yuen Long Park 元朗公園. Today I want to share an exhibition launched to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to its motherland at the Hong Kong Museum of History. A total 210 sets of precious relics were selected from the Palace Museum associated with the birthday celebration of Qing emperors and empress dowagers for this exhibition. It offers the visitors an opportunity to study the birthday tradition in Qing court and ancient China.

Steemit的朋友大家好,前兩天透過@someone發表了元朗公園的文章,感謝大家的鼎力支持, 也很感謝有@someone給我這個機會接觸更多讀者!今天想跟大家分享在歷史博物館舉辦的一個展覽。藉香港回歸祖國20周年之際,故宮博物館選出210組與清代萬壽慶典相關的文物在香港歷史博物館展出,供市民觀賞,並藉此機會令市民更了解清代慶典的歷史和中國古代的祝賀文化。

In ancient time, people rarely live to the age of seventy due to various reasons. Ancient Chinese believed that one's longevity was a testimony of his great virtue that a longevity of a emperor was blessing given by heaven as an award of his effective ruling and great virtue. The emperor's and empress's tenthly birthdays were as important as New Year Day and Winter Solstice. Other than the celebration activities within the Forbidden City and outside the palace, their children, peers, ministers and foreign envoy would presents different gifts to impress the emperors or empresses.


Let's begin our journey! I took a photo in front of the entrance. There's a huge crowd of people behind me waiting to get in.


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After entering, I saw a huge set of Chimes. Different pitches of sound are produced when hitting with a hammer. Their pitches are determined by their varied sizes.


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Here's the musical instrument in the shape of tiger that stands next to the chimes. According to the museum staff, we use this toothed beater to rake against the back of the instrument in reverse direction to produce a sound that usually used to mark an end in a musical performance in ancient china. I love these interactive activities that I can have more understanding how these instruments work.

在編磬的旁邊是個虎形的樂器。 據博物館的工作人員介紹,用這個齒型的“籈”逆刮彩色的“鉏鋙“發出聲音,“鉏鋙”是圖中彩色的木片,不少韶樂以這件樂器發出的聲音為終止音,表達樂曲的終結。 我很喜歡這些互動活動,讓我可以更加了解這些古代樂器如何運作。

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See how beautiful these magnificent bronze bells are! The surface of the bells are casted with dragons.

看看這些編鐘,好宏偉啊! 每個鐘的表面都刻有雲龍。
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Here's the three dimension model of the theatrical stage for empress Dowager Cixi to enjoy theatrical performance.


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Can you believe that the four characters Wanshou wujiang (Boundless longevity) in this plaque are embroidered? I thought it was a calligraphy and painting at the first glance. It's a gift presented by Emperor Kangxi to his grandmother Empress Dowager Xiaozhuangwen to show his deep respect. He ordered to have them embroidered after writing. Strokes of the words are kept in this art piece.


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Here are some of the beautiful antiques. Red Bat and butterfly are always used here. Red bat has the meaning "Blessing as vast as sky" and butterfly has a symbol of longevity in ancient china.


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This is a white and blue vase covered with ten thousand different ancient seal style of the Chinese character shou which means longevity. And ten thousand shou has the meaning of boundless longevity in Chinese.


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A closer look of the vast.
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"Birthday Celebration of Empress Dowger Chongqing" This painting scroll recorded the activities happened within the Forbidden City and outside the palace.

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I was impressed by the elaborate of the details in this long painting scroll. Looks at the facial expressions of these children. It's very vivid and lifelike!


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These napkins are embroidered with a wide variety of auspicious motifs.


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There is also a workshop for visitors to create birthday cards.


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Can you recognise the character formed by the projected butterfly next to me? It's a character shou(壽).


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I think I will stop here. Hope you like this post today!


Hong Kong Museum of History 香港歷史博物館

Address :100 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

2/7 – 9/10/2017
Admission Fee: HKD$20

Mondays,Wednesday to Sundays
Closed on Tuesdays (except public holiday)

Thanks for your time. Wish you all have a wonderful day.

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Much Love! Kris xx


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Author @krischy, Posted By @someone

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