Best ingredients in skincare products? All-in-one anti-aging serum? Only under $10 dollors? After reading so many positive comments about this new and trendy Canadian skin care brand I decided to give it a try, and got the most popular items. Check out the unboxing photo I took and my personal review.
最近我的小姐妹都不约而同用上了The Ordinary这个加拿大牌子的护肤品,说是药妆品牌先锋:各种成分猛料往精华堆,效果堪比做微整容,关键是价格还十分平易近人:国外价格在10美元,目前国内还没有行货渠道,代购方面加上运费和税费也不过一百元一瓶。看起来很诱人对不对,所以这股大风刮遍了各类美妆博客,我也赶紧买了几样王牌产品试一试。
The bottles are pharmacy style: white ground glass bottles with dropper to control accurate usage, which gives me a neat and clean feel.
包装是纯白的药妆风格: 磨砂瓶子加上滴管帮助控制精确的用量,目前大部分精华产品都会采用的包装。
Brightening and Spot Fading Serum
- Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1%
- Niacinamide can help brighten skin and reduce spots, and zinc can help balance skin oiliness and firm up skin
- 最著名的烟酰胺美白抗老精华,烟酰胺浓度高达10%
- 大部分品牌的美白精华的主要成分
- 锌可以帮助水油平衡
Vitamin C Serum
- Vitamin C suspension 23% + HA Spheres 2%
- Reduce signs of aging and brighten skin
- 高浓度的维C精华,是另外一种有效的美白精华,只能晚上使用。我用过类似的维C精华,因为维C十分不稳定,为了维持稳定状态使用感都会油腻腻的,看评论这一只也不例外
- 2%透明质酸辅助补水保湿
High strength peptide serum
- Matrixyl can even the wrinkles in the skins and prevent from wrinkles in aging
- HA will help moisture skin
- 五胜肽也是各品牌抗皱的主打成分了,不过10%这个料下手也是很狠啊,效果让人期待了
- 同样含有透明质酸帮助补水保湿
Alpha Arbutin Whitenting Serum
- Helps reduce sign of spots and acne marks
- HA helps moisture skin
- 熊果苷精华可以去痘印和去晒斑,印象中雪水也是这个成分?跟雪水一样略刺激,我打算等夏天的时候再来用
- 透明质酸帮助补水保湿
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