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    1. 去山里采野生蘑菇记 created by @tumuta
      Description 夏季高温潮湿是野菇(野生蘑菇)生长的最佳时节,许多村民都忙去山上采野菇,野菇味道嫩滑甘甜,野味清香,是一道人人喜爱的原生蔬菜。…
      Current Payout Value = 9.28
    1. The Delicious Pattern Shao Mai 花样烧麦 created by @elfkitchen
      Description Do you like to eat Shao Mai? I often do so, my family likes to eat.Ordinary Shao Mai is very simple to do, and today I…
      Current Payout Value = 6.66
    1. 穷人家的孩子在成长过程中其实面临着很多很多的陷阱 created by @liangfengyouren
      Description 今天有感而发,其实穷人家的孩子在成长过程中面临着很多很多的陷阱。 这不是废话吗? 这确实是废话,大家都知道。只是最近身边发生的事情让我更了解这点。…
      Current Payout Value = 8.18
    1. 📷🍴 Food, Fixed, Steemit - 吃,修,steemit (by @ace108😎) created by @ace108
      Description Previously... | 上回。。。 📷🚗Color Challenge, Wednesday Yellow - Nice yellow car | 很美的黄色轿车 📷🌳Color…
      Current Payout Value = 32.98
    1. New Zealand adventures Part 4 ~ hiking at Mount Cook 紐西蘭旅遊篇之四 ~ 庫克山遠足 created by @livinguktaiwan
      Description Mount Cook is New Zealand's tallest mountain, located on the south island and is over 3700m above sea level. When I…
      Current Payout Value = 10.20
    1. 小宝猜猜--时代的歌之184 created by @lemooljiang
      Description 四体不勤唯吃睡, 全身是宝猜是谁? 围栏不大是天地, 全身贡献给人类! @lemooljiang #songofera
      Current Payout Value = 12.79
    1. Travel with me to Arles, Provence, France 跟我去旅行之普罗旺斯乡下小城阿尔勒 created by @liflorence
      Description Three days ago we took the train from Avignon to Arles. It took only 20 mins, all the way through Provence, mine eyes…
      Current Payout Value = 24.14
    1. 再见黄昏 created by @dancingapple
      Description 黄昏,她穿过村里的小路,向北直走爬上小山坡。 铺开一张棉麻老布,从竹篓子里掏出一瓶小酒,一小盒子炸腰果。 她安静地坐下,斑白的双鬓被夕阳染黄,眼角的皱纹被夕阳抚平。 她眼神清澈,依稀还是那个脸颊红润的小女孩。…
      Current Payout Value = 2.11
    1. Travel with me #Travel Solo and single in the most romantic place in the world created by @kierstenrich
      Description Dear steemit Friends It’s the same with travel. Us bloggers paint a perfect picture of the world, because, let’s…
      Current Payout Value = 0.37
    1. 七夕情人节Steemit中文社区文学群爱情征文大赛 created by @rivalhw
      Description (图片来源于网络) 过几天就是七夕了,每年农历七月初七这一天是中国的传统节日七夕节。…
      Current Payout Value = 181.01
    1. Active authors & posts under the CN category [2017-08-23] created by @chinadaily
      Description Information 数据来源: 生成时间: 2017-08-25 04:00:05(UTC) 时间覆盖: 2017-08-23 00:00:00(UTC) 至 2017-08-24 00:00:00(UTC)…
      Current Payout Value = 84.53
    1. 谷歌點名第四期 - 情可以很多,但愛卻是唯一 created by @leogor1234
      Description 問世間,情是何物,直教生死相許。對於情大家也一定不會陌生,最典型的愛情、友情和親情也是經常徘徊在我們的左右。愛情是指和自己喜歡的人,長相廝守的盼望。友情是指與朋友的兄弟姊妹情,有福同享、有難同當。而親情是與家人的關愛之情,家庭是暴雨中的避風
      Current Payout Value = 4.26
    1. Hiking to Tiger Leaping Gorge “世界十大经典徒步线路之一” 虎跳峡徒步 created by @hannahwu
      Description 虎跳峡是万里长江第一大峡谷,横穿与哈巴和玉龙雪山之间因猛虎跃江心石过江的传说而得名,以“险”吸引了很多中外游客。 蜀道难,难于上青天,虎跳峡之险,不亚于上青天。 此峡海拔2300米,景区中垂直九十度的勇者阶梯,让人望而生畏。…
      Current Payout Value = 0.09
    1. OmiseGo - A Coin You Must Not Miss 你絕對不能錯過的投資良機 created by @daniel0705
      Description 十樣重要的事項 10 THINGS THAT ARE IMPORTANT 1.OmiseGo是Vitalik(Ethereum創始人)正式支持的兩個項目之一。 OmiseGo is one of the two…
      Current Payout Value = 5.88
    1. 2018年香港渣打馬拉松 正式報名-是不是要搞一個香港隊伍。 created by @marylaw
      Description 從三年前開始我每年都參加渣打馬拉松,雖然我的成績並不是為了奪得任何的獎項,每年參加的目的是為了練自己的意志。 17年的成績是2小時20分 16年的成績是2小時50分,因為並天的天氣下著大雨,加上氣溫低。…
      Current Payout Value = 28.18
    1. 嗯,你说得对 created by @zhijun
      Description 前几天论坛上看到某坛主的哲理,当时不以为然。 原文 : 熟练使用这句话,你就是智者: “嗯,你说得对” 问:你是怎么做到的: 在任何时候都可以保持很冷静,很平和? 答:因为我从来不跟那些蠢货和脑残们争吵和争论。…
      Current Payout Value = 0.43
    1. Travel to Taiwan #10 - Shilin Night Market, Taipei (台北 士林夜市) created by @michellelee
      Description My name is @Michellelee Hello, Steemit Friends ~ This time I introduce Shilin Night Market, Taipei (台北 士林夜市…
      Current Payout Value = 0.09
    1. 纽西兰到底有多大 created by @drycurrynoodles
      Description 前些时候去马来西亚度假,和朋友一起聚会,一个朋友说他有三天假期,想去纽西兰南岛游玩,我笑说去和鲸鱼打个招呼,喝杯咖啡见个面还是ok的。一般人知道纽西兰只有南北两岛,想象中是一个岛国,尤其把地图打开,看到纽西兰在庞大澳洲的右下角,显得特别渺小
      Current Payout Value = 0.10
    1. 纸的艺术--Paper infinity created by @superhardness
      Description Dear Steemit friends: Last weekend, I went to the Guangzhou book center with my family. Great changes have taken…
      Current Payout Value = 3.74

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