One day in Anping - 我留下許多情 (EN-CH)

It's been a while I didn't take the time to write a bilingual article, but after a great day in Anping, the oldest district of Tainan, I feel energized enough to go for it!


The history of Anping's district goes back to the 17th century when the Dutch East India Company established a permanent location on the bay and built Fort Zeelandia that you can see on this cover picture. After that, Koxinga's armies (you can see his statue above) although poorly armed, vanquished the Dutch invader.


It's in that district full history that my girlfriend Ruby and I decided to spend our Sunday, starting with a delicious brunch.


We went for western food for a change and that was really tasty. Surprisingly the meat was cooked in a french manner (boeuf bourgignon).

我們吃了很好吃的西式餐點。另我驚訝的是他們用法國的名菜紅酒燉牛肉(boeuf bourgignon)做漢堡。

If not in a mood for a big meal, don't worry! Anping old street is full of stalls selling snacks, drinks, toys and basically everything you could thing about. One of the most famous shops in there see people lining for dozens of minutes to buy dry fruits.


We went all along the old street and tried to find the emblematic sword lion of Anping in hidden places.


It took us around the local temples, and we found one of the lions in an alley so narrow that one can simply not get in there to take the picture, a pity! Anyways, here is one of the major temples of the district, that happened to be playing traditional music as we passed by.


It was then time for a selfie in the famous Fort Zeelandia that I mentioned in the introduction. Hard to tell that this peaceful place where youngsters and elders are picnicking was a few hundred years ago the theater of a merciless war!


Before heading back home, we made a quick jump to the nearby Sunset Beach where we, hmm obviously admired the sunset!


The bad camera of my phone doesn't render it at all but it was gorgeous, and for once people around me were busier looking at it than running between the two nearby pokestops!


Hope you liked this introduction to this nice old district of Tainan and that you will come discover it by yourself someday!


Special thanks to Ruby for helping transforming my lame Chinese into this and teaching me some new vocabulary in the meantime <3

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