Bedtime story with my babies||读睡前故事“华语好声音”

Hi Steemit friends,

Today, I want to share a vocal recording of reading a book with my kids at bedtime. My kids love bedtime stories, and we always read one or two both in English and Mandarin.

Reading stories with my kids is a perfect intimate activity. We snug together in the sofa or the bed. We chuckle along with the story and imagine with the characters.

In fact, I often make mistakes or mispronounce words while reading to them. But it does not matter. The import thing is I am with them while we share a joyful journey through reading.

Today, the story is about finding Santa Claus. As the clock is ticking, Santa Claus is nowhere to find. All animals in the forest, as well as the reindeers, are actively looking for him. The forest is covered by snow. Even the animals are snowy white.

Finally, the animals spot a set of footprints. And there he is! Santa is stuck in the snow upside down. How silly! The animals work together and pull Santa out of the heavy snow.

Everyone is happy to find Santa and Santa woosh away to the sky.

Let all enjoy reading.

Here is the link to the track:

大家好,响应 @tvb@dapeng 的“华语好声音”的号召,今天我分享一段我跟宝贝们一起读睡前故事的音频。



​ 今天这个绘本是寻找圣诞老人的故事。森林被厚厚的白雪覆盖了,所有动物们,包括圣诞老人的麋鹿都在寻找圣诞老人。其中,有白色的兔子,北极熊,海狮,狐狸,还有老鼠。

​ 最后,他们终于发现了圣诞老人的奇怪脚印。原来圣诞老人头朝下脚朝上地陷在厚厚的雪里了。所有动物们齐心协力,把圣诞老人给“拔”了出来。也因为大家的热心,圣诞老人才能顺利按时出发去给小朋友们送礼物。



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