人去樓空,風景不再@石塘咀南里 I have no reasons to come back again@ South Lane, Shek Tong Tsui |谷哥点名#6风景

大家好,這是我首次參加 @jubi 的谷哥点名,題目是風景。雖然我寫過很多與旅遊有關的文章,但這次反而希望寫寫香港的風景,希望藉此來反省一下本土議題(故還是用繁體字比較貼切)。

Hello all steemit friends! This is my first time to participate in @jubi competition. The topic is scenery. Although I have already written a number of articles about my travel experiences, this article is to bring attention on issues in Hong Kong. As it is an article describing local issues, I am going to write in Traditional Chinese.


For as long as I can remember, grandma used to live on the fourth floor of an old tenement building in South Lane, Shek Tong Tsui.

When I was a child, my parents sometimes took me to visit grandma. In the past, after taking 45-minute metro, we still needed to take transit bus to go to Shek Tong Tsui. Grandma’s tenement was located in the slope. Climbing up the slopes, we could find an overpass, where is a shooting spot of a famous Cantonese Movie, Rouge. (The place where is Yuen first met ghost Fleur) There is an intersection in front of the slope. Every time when I took off the bus, walked by and saw the bakery in this intersection, I’d know I was nearly home.


After my grandma passed away, I haven’t been to the area for 8 years. One reason was being exhausted by a long journey. But most importantly, I have no reasons to come back again.


Few years ago, the Kennedy Town Station and the Hong Kong University Station along the West Island Line opened. A couple of days ago, my friends and I took metro to Kennedy Town Station for the first time and walked around. Walking along the street, I found the same bakery. On our left, there was a seafood restaurant, where we had dinner with grandma for several times. On my right, the brand new Hong Kong University Station was right in front of me. However, grandma’s tenement building was under construction. The billboard was saying, “One South Lane”.



I was inundated with a multitude of feelings. On one hand, it was my first time visiting grandma’s former residence for 8 years, but everything had already gone. On the other hand, it showed gentrification. Many people in Hong Kong are politically apathetic (even after umbrella movement) because they think those ridiculous policies or social issues are none of their business. For example, elderly were being abused in elderly home; most young people cannot purchase property; more and more urban renewal…

West Island line (of metro) has led to the rapid gentrification of Kennedy Town (including Shek Tong Tsui). Old tenement buildings have been replaced with luxury apartment blocks by private developers. Mom-and-pop shops have been forced to move out and substituted by new restaurateurs selling food at mid-Levels prices. More and more tourists and foreigners come in. The community has been no longer the same.

If grandma had been alive, how would she have felt about her community?

News report about gentrification of Kennedy Town (Shek Tong Tsui): https://goo.gl/SNre6z

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**If you like my article, please upvote and follow @travel-addict **

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