CN Community Karaoke Collaboration - 中文區大合唱

Hi Steemians,

Inspired by @anomadsoul (thanks for letting me use your idea), I’m trying to organise a karaoke collaboration for the Chinese Community. We have the weekly singing competition so why not get everyone together and sing a song! After some discussion with my Steemit friend @tvb and some of the CN Steemians, we will be singing a classic song 明天會更好.

看到@anomadsoul和西班牙區一班人玩的那麼開心,還有我想CN 區已經有歌唱比賽,我們不如大家一起來一個大合唱。跟 @tvb 和一些 CN 朋友商量之後,就確定唱一首經典歌:明天會更好



We feel that although it is a Chinese song, we can also collaborate with people around the world on Steemit. You may think, I don’t know the language. Don’t worry, we will help you with some simple phonetic guidance so you will be able to sing your line. If you are interested in joining us, please feel free to leave a message below and your discord username so I can contact you. Depending on the numbers I receive, I may not be able to include everyone.

雖然我們是唱中文歌,但我想邀請其他世界各地的 Steemian 跟我們一起玩。你們會想,我不會說中文,沒關係,我們會幫你翻譯一些簡單的歌詞給你們唱的。如果你們有興趣參加這個活動,請你留言和給你的 discord 名字讓我可以聯絡你·。要看多少人想參加,有可能不可以全部人都可以加入這一次的大合唱

Once the video is finished, I will upload onto Dlive and the SBD after the 7 days will be split evenly with all the participants from the video

視頻做完之後,我會上載到 Dlive. 7天结算后的 SBD 收益會跟參加的朋友平分。

As this is a video, we will need to see you sing so don't be shy!

因為是視頻的關係,請不用害羞要出樣子的 .

Please leave your message by Sunday 10pm AEDT.




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