A City A Story Photo Weekly Contest #8 --Fishing|城市故事--渔

This is my entry for the contest: fishing

Camera:Android mobile phone | 魅蓝 note5
City: Dalian China | 中国大连

Dalian is a very beautiful city, which is by the Gulf of Bohai Sea. Many years ago, Dalian is only a small fishing village. Fishing the root of this city. All kinds of seafood feed the people of Dalian. Therefore, people love the sea and fishing.

There are about 280 kinds of fish in Dalian. From the photography we can see only several kinds of fish. The taste of fish is very fresh and delicious. There also are much nutrition in fish. Fish is most popular food of people in Dalian due to its taste and health.

大连大约有280种鱼类。从照片中我们只能看到几种鱼。鱼的味道非常鲜味。并且鱼肉中含有丰富的营养。 鱼是最受大连人欢迎的食物,因为它们既好吃又健康。


Besides fish, there also are more than 400 kinds of oceanic invertebrates in Dalian. Lots of shrimps, crabs, snail and shellfish in the photography above are delicious food. The market is really a seafood showplace.


I love the city. I love both the sea and seafood. I love the people in the city more, because the spirit of fishing is hardworking, kind. In all, welcome to Dalian! Delicious seafood is waiting for you!


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