Travel with Rainie ---Visit the British Museum IV. 畅游大英博物馆IV。

Hello Steemians 💛今天继续带大家看看大英博物馆里不能错过的几大宝物,之前给大家讲了帕特农神殿的故事。眼前这个则是帕特农神殿雕塑,它代表了雅典的艺术与神话。

Today I will continue to show you some of the great treasures that can't be missed in the British museum, and I have told you the story of the Parthenon. This is the Parthenon sculpture, which represents the art and mythology of Athens.


You may conclude that at present the sculptures, the past is outstanding in the construction of art, in fact you might not, these beautiful frieze stripes and sculpture was once part of the Parthenon on the acropolis temple, precisely, should be in the construction part of the roof.


Don't know if you have any regrets, when I first saw these features fine sculpture, I was shocked by what is a spirit, and let the athenians put himself on the roof of the building is on the sculpture? Such an excellent architectural art can only be found in a country like Athens where myths abound. Such sculpture works on the roof of the house, should not have been the greatest myth and miracle?

帕特农神殿在公元前大约447到438年之间建成,1805年,英国驻奥斯曼帝国大使埃尔金勋爵(Lord Elgin)为了保护它们免遭进一步人为或者大自然的损坏,把它们拆下来强行带走(大自然怎么会损坏雕塑呢,明明是自己想带走嘛)

Parthenon temple built in about 447 BC to 447, 1805, the British ambassador to the Ottoman empire, Lord Elgin, Lord Elgin) in order to protect them from further damage to human or nature, down to confiscate them




Continued the temple, the temple sculpture was brought back to England, has long been known as the Elgin marbles, but the British museum there has been controversy in the ownership of them, ha ha. Take a closer look at these carvings, and the elaborate sculptures give you a picture of the most colorful social customs and features of Athens. You look closely, you can see some of the horsehead lifted, some of the horsehead is low, actually represent the horsehead toward the sun, the horsehead is raised on behalf of the sunrise, the horses in the mythology, the god of the sun. The horse's head is low, representing the god of the moon in the myth of the horse.


Even more impressive, it should be the fidelity of the horse's head, the eyes protruding, the blood veins on both sides of the face, the veins of the blue. With some real facial features to show the horse-drawn chariot flying through the night sky, exhausted and exhausted. Remind everyone not to forget, such lifelike facial expression, facial action and scene is done with sculpture, not too shocked.


Another detail more surprising, because the sculpture is placed on the building, so only toward the outside side will appear, so I am curious to the sculpture behind, thinking about the back there should be no sculpture, is a plane. The pictures in front of me shocked me, and the horse head on the back was not only carved, but also as fine as the front, and the horse's head was a perfect one with no dead Angle of 360 degree.


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