Hypocrisy around the Chinese Dog Festival!

I may be playing with fire by starting this post, but I just can't bear staying quite on the hypocrisy of the world when it comes to the Chinese Dog Festival that takes place every summer in Yulin. But let this not make you think that I am in any way in support of dogs being killed.

No,I am a vegetarian and I am against killing of any animal or bird and I can't beat to see the gory images of dogs being caught and slaughtered, serving their fate as a glazed hanging meat.

And I feel the same amount of pain when I see a chicken or a cow or for that matter any animal being killed. But I can understand that everyone has the freedom to choose their food, so I don't go about criticising and judging the meat eaters around me. Believe me it's not a pleasing image for me.

But I am no PETA, I don't want to make it a debate about meat-eaters v/s vegetarians. All I want to say is that this hypocrisy of the people is sad and dangerous. People are claiming their morals to be higher and going about deciding what is wrong or right for others.

A lot of people will argue that dogs cannot be compared to the other animals, they are cute, loyal, man's best friends. Then I want to tell you that I come from a country where the cow is worshipped, but did you hear anyone asking you to stop eating beef? And for that matter isn't a chick as cute as a dog.

I feel there is no way one can justify killing of dogs, but what is more unjustifiable is that people who themselves eat other meats getting offended by the Chinese eating dogs and thus protest against them.

I know my opinion won't be shared by many, so I am looking forward to all your opinions. And I just want to end with reiterating that I don't support killings dogs.

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