香港遊踪 #3 – 葵涌廣埸逛街|Hong Kong To Walk #3 – Shopping in Kwai Chung Plaza

大家好!歡迎來到香港遊踪的第三步。前兩次我跟大家分享去了芙蓉山上拜佛,又去了酒店吃自助餐,今次就帶大家去逛一逛街吧。說到逛街,我想大家第一件想到的事情就是香港的各種名店吧;逛街的地方也是中環、銅鑼灣、尖沙咀那些名店林立的地方吧;商埸也大概是太子大廈、時代廣埸、海港城之類的大型商埸吧。可是,其實香港有很多有特色的地方是很好逛的,今天我就為你介紹一個 ─ 葵涌廣埸。

Hello everyone! Welcome to the Hong Kong to walk volume 3. The last two post I have shared visiting Chuk Lam Sim Yuen to worship the Phra Phrom, Buffet in Hotel Icon. So, this time, I would like to bring you guys a shopping time. When you first talk about shopping in Hong Kong, most of the people may think about those luxury store; and the location most be those place have so much luxury brand store, e.g., Central, Causeway bay and Tsim Sha Tsui; and most be those big shopping mall like Prince's Building, Time Square and Harbour City. However, Hong Kong actually have a lot of special place to walk. Today, I would like to introduce you one - Kwai Chung Plaza.


Kwai Chung Plaza located exactly next to the Kwai Fong MTR station. When I think about Kwai Chung Plaza, it always brings me back to my memory of my secondary school, Kwai Chung Plaza already operated at that time. At that time, there are a lot of small store in the Kwai Chung Plaza, selling different kind of things. At that time, people still played computer games, and Kwai Chung Plazais one of the big pirated game selling place. But time changes, maybe because Kwai Chung Plaza got more and more visitor, shop over there also keep changing. And I finally have a time to visit there last week, and please let me share it with you guys.




First, it just almost the same as the past. There are a lot of store selling girl’s stuff, some store is selling fair quality and some store have better, and all depends on your target price. And there are some store gimmick themselves selling Japanese or Korean clothing. But for a boy like me, I am afraid to take too much photo about it, so please just reference some photo above. And I am kind of sad that I can't find any single game store in the plaza, maybe they really can’t make money from it now.


Not like other shopping mall or plaza, Kwai Chung Plaza don’t have any specified theme, I think the most special theme for Kwai Chung Plaza is it have so many different stuff, and most of the shop is small store. Not like other shopping mall, they are all the same chain store. I have taken some photo to let you guys have a look on it.


First, it has shopping selling different mobile phone stuff. And it also has shop selling bag, umbrella. So, don’t worry your phone is out of battery or you buy too much and don’t have a bag to hold it. You don’t even need to worry about raining outside.




And there are snack shop selling imported snack, and also have shop selling dried fruit. You can just buy what you want to eat; it is just cheap for most of the thing. But just be careful that you eat too much and got sick.



然後呢? 連中藥店都有,大家要是上火了可以來看一看病,也可以來調理身體。

But don’t worry, there are numbers of clinic in the plaza. It even have the Chinese medical clinic, you may just simply visit there to try the Chinese medicine,



And if you think you are not looking good because of sickness, no worry, there are cosmetic shop there.



And if you feel too sick that you can’t even see thing clear, no worry, buy a glass!



And if you are too sick and braves the cold sweat which makes your hair out of shape, no worry, there are a lot of salon in the plaza.



And if you start to feel better and start getting hungry, there are lots of hot street snacks and many kinds of restaurant. You can of course find one you like.





Finally, don’t forget to visit the gold fish game booth on the ground floor. A lot of kids can play along with you.



After all these years when I visit the Kwai Chung Plaza again, I still thing that it is quite nice. You can see that you can properly survive even you are tripped in there for a whole day. But what I love most is there are still a lot of different small store. Just like 10 years ago, there are not much chain store. However, the thing is getting expensive now. When I was just a secondary school student, I found things in there were just so cheap to buy. But when I am now working, I feel like thing is becoming expensive over there…howcome…However, I still suggest you visit and have a lot here. It is much more fun than the Time Square and Harbour City!

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy it!
And please follow me and see my other post if you like it: @victorier

如果你覺得不錯的話請你追蹤我,也可以看我其他的文章: @victorier

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