An embarrassing experience when posting|發帖時的尷尬經驗

There is one embarrassing thing happened to me on Steemit last Friday, which I would like to share to you guys such that you can avoid it in the future. First, I have to say it is not a big deal; don’t worry too much on it.


Last Friday, I just wanted to make a post as usual. After I finished my typing, I pressed the “Post” button as usual. However, this time, it showed a message “Transaction Broadcast Error”. I have not make a screen capture on it, as I thought it is just something normal. Maybe it was just the network problem or some error for Steemit. As you know, Steemit is not quite stable recently. (I have made a sample screen by MS paint to you according to my memory for your reference as below :)

話說上個星期五,我如常的發帖子。在我把帖子都打好之後,我就如常的按 “Post”的按鈕。可是,卻彈出一個信息說“Transaction Broadcast Error”。我沒有把它截圖,因為那時候我在想這可能只不過是一些網絡的問題,又有可能是Steemit網站的問題。因為大家都知道最近Steemit不太隠定。(我根據我的記憶用小畫家拼了一幅圖片給大家參考一下:)


So, I decided to wait few minutes and then try again. However, even I tried several times for about 20 minutes; it was still showing “Transaction Broadcast Error”. And then I thought that is OK, maybe I should try it again an hour later.

所以,我決定等幾分鐘後再試一試。可是我大概花了二十分鐘試了好幾次也還是出現“Transaction Broadcast Error”,我覺得也還好,也許我在一個小時後再試一試吧。

Then I just browsed around Steemit to see other Steemains’ post. However, when I wanted to check my historic post on my profile, I saw that the post I cannot post previously was actually posted. And what's more important is the post was posted 4 times. (I have not made a screen capture at that moment, so I also make a sample by MS paint again for you as a reference below :)



And I was kind of shocked at the moment. As you know, posting the same content actually is a bad behavior, and you might get flagged because of this. And I have even posted the same content for 4 times, I think I would definitely been flagged.


At first I want to delete my post, however, as the post have been posted a while, the post was voted by some Steemains (to be honest, I do appreciate it, and thanks for it), I cannot delete the post. So, what I can only do is edit all the duplicated posts, state the reason and change the tag to “error” on and say sorry for that.



So, now when you guys check my profile, you will see 3 duplicated sorry posts. And I have to say it is very embarrassing and I hope I will not get flagged.



And I do suggest you guys take me as an example. If you experience “Transaction Broadcast Error” when you make a post, first, go to your profile to check whether the post has been posted prior to push the post button again.

而我希望大家可以以我為例子,如果下一次你看到“Transaction Broadcast Error”這個信息,先不要重按 “Post”,反而你應該先去你的個人版面去確認一下你的帖子是不是真的沒有被發出來。

An update after I posted this post, you can see the below screen that again show the “Transaction Broadcast Error”. But this time I don't press the "Post" button again and check my profile, and I found that the post was actually posted.

發帖後的一個小更新,大家可以看到這次也是出了 “Transaction Broadcast Error”,但這次我學乖了,我先去我的個人檔案那邊查看,發現原來帖子已經成功發出了。


Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy it!
And please follow me and see my other post if you like it: @victorier

如果你覺得不錯的話請你追蹤我,也可以看我其他的文章: @victorier

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