你今天發夢了嗎? (Did you have your dream today?) |#5电影


Source: pixabay

这是第五次参加谷哥点名的活动了,容我再一次感谢 @jubi的举办跟支持的各位吧。今次的题目比以往的几次要缩小了,是电影。写过之前范围比较大的题目,现在要专注于一个突然有点不惯。不过这很好,这让我有了比较多的时间去沉淀,去思考。对于电影,我相信每个人都不会陌生。不管是小时候爸爸妈妈带你去看的喜剧,或是青年时情跟女生去看的爱情剧,还是长大之后自己去看的悲剧,我相信每个人都进过电影院去看电影。

This is the fifth time I join this contest. Thanks @jubi hard work and all the support from everyone. This time, the topic is Movie. Compare with the topic previously, it is a narrow topic which I am not quite used to. But I think it is very good that it give me more time to think what I need to write, what I have to write. Well, I believe everyone would not be strange for movie, no matter your parent brought you to the cinema to watch a funny cartoon when you are a kid; or when you went to the cinema with a girl to watch a love story in your teenage; or when you go to the cinema to watch a sad story when you grown up. I bet everyone have experienced watching a movie in the cinema.

当然我们可以在家中看各种电影,但是我始终是坚持好的电影是应该去电影院看的。为什么呢 ?大概是因为环境吧。我说的不是说什么音效、4D影院之类的设备,而是说电影院本身的环境。试着在脑中想着,由踏进电影院那软软的地毯开始,你走向你的座位坐下,然后灯光慢慢的暗了起来,接着周围都完全的黑暗。然后你看到屏幕上慢慢的开始有了光线,然后开始了各种剧情,最后画面变黑,灯光缓缓的亮了。然后你站了起来,走向出口,再踏上街上硬硬的水泥路。

Of course, we can watch whatever movie in our home nowadays, but I always insist that you have to go to cinema to watch a good movie. Why? I think it is because of the environment. I am not talking about the sound equipment or those 4D Theater. I am talking about Cinema itself. Let’s imagine the below scenery: Start from you step in the theater, your foot step on the soft carpet; and then you walk towards your seat and sit down; and the light become dim slowly, and then it become totally dark; then, the screen start to light up, and then different story begin; after that, the screen become dim, and the light light up slowly; finally you stand up, and walk to the exit, and then step on the concrete cement floor.

你觉得刚刚的过程像什么? 我觉得,刚刚的过程是发了一埸梦。从走进电影院,就开始准备要睡;坐在椅子上就好像睡在床上般放松;灯光慢慢的变暗,我开始缓缓的进入了梦乡;各种不同的剧情在屏幕上上演,就好像我在梦中所见到的一切画面;灯光开始变亮,我的梦开始醒来了;踏上水泥路的那刻,我走回了现实。

What do you think the above? For me, I think it just like I just had a dream. When I step in the theater, it feel like I am preparing to sleep; when I sit on the seat, I feel like I am sleeping on the bad and relax; when the light dim slowly, I start to go into my dream slowly; when different story shown on the screen, I am watching different story in my dream; when the light up, I start to wake up; when I step on the cement floor, I go back into reality.


So, I bet that is the reason why some people calling movie industry as dream factory. Yes, I think every movie they made is the dream for everyone. And cinema is the place that let you to have the dream. I like watching movie in cinema, as this kind of dream illusion is not something that you can enjoy in your home. And I also love movie, as I love dreaming. And watching a movie can actually let you to choose what kind of dream you can have, I think it is one of the most luxury item for people.


As time progresses, they cinema industry can provide a much better environment, and audience can have a better place to dream. But what the sad thing is as time progresses, people have much less time for their own. Not saying go to the cinema, I bet most of us can’t even have a good sleep, and of course a real good dream. So, the dream illusion for movie is really a luxury item for people.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy it!
And please follow me and see my other post if you like it: @victorier

如果你覺得不錯的話請你追蹤我,也可以看我其他的文章: @victorier

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