My Opinion for Whether ClaimWithMe is a Scam or Not | ClaimWithMe 是否詐騙網站的我見

I have read a post on Steemit which talked about a Faucet website called Claim With Me. In the post, it said that it is a high paying bitcoin faucet (some of other post even said it is the highest paying faucet!).

最近在Steemit上看到一個帖子 是關於一個水龍頭網站叫做Claim With Me。在帖子中,它說它是一個很高回報的網站(有些別的帖子什至說它是最高的一個。)

So, I do some research on it. Basically, it is almost the same method of other faucet website. It give out satoshi according to the time culminated. The free claim out is 3000 satoshi per 2.5 hours. But what’s more in this website is you can but others more powerful faucet. For example, you can use BTC to buy Mars which is 17,000 satoshi per 8 hours. And of course, if you pay higher BTC, you can purchase more high returned planet. And below have the planet summary:

作為一個正直的青年,當然要先做一點資料搜集啦。基本上,這個水龍頭網站跟別的都差不多。它會隨時間累積它的satoshi回報。免費的回報是兩個小時3000 satoshi。但這個網站的重點是你可以買其他高回報的水龍頭。比如說,你可以用BTC買“火星”它的回報是八小時17,000 satoshi。當然你可以用更高的BTC去買更高回報的星球。下面有星球的列表:




Until this stage I think it is still fine, as I have calculated that you can almost earn 2 times of your investment in a month. That is really attractive!


But, feedback is important. So,I do more other research on the payout. Yes, I found some payout record in the past, as it is not hard to check that, so I don’t mention here. But! When I check on its Facebook page, it is another story. I have made some screen capture below:


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You can see that there are users complain that their account value was reset to zero. And one user’s purchased planet was even disappeared.


So, after my review of this faucet website, I cannot sure that whether it is a scam or not. But, I will suggest you guys not to step in the pool. As we all know there is already quite a high risk for us to invest in the altcoin market. There is no reason for us to make an even higher risk investment.


Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy it!
And please follow me and see my other post if you like it: @victorier

如果你覺得不錯的話請你追蹤我,也可以看我其他的文章: @victorier

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